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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-219453 · Issue 715999

Security update enhanced to support custom implementations of InvokeAxis2

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

The QueueProcessor activity indirectly invokes a Connect-SOAP. After installing the Security A22 patch, custom implementations on InvokeAxis2 reported runtime failure. This has been resolved by replacing reflection library use with explicit type checking and casting to get the array length in step 14 of InvokeAxis2.

INC-219627 · Issue 715995

InvokeHTTPConnector security updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

"Allow invocation from browser" has been disabled for InvokeHTTPConnector, and "Require authentication to run" has been enabled. In addition, an unsafe reflection used to load JCIFS libraries for NTLM operations has been removed, which removes support for custom JCIFS libraries in Connect HTTP.

INC-219995 · Issue 717157

Security update enhanced to support custom implementations of InvokeAxis2

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

The QueueProcessor activity indirectly invokes a Connect-SOAP. After installing the Security A22 patch, custom implementations on InvokeAxis2 reported runtime failure. This has been resolved by replacing reflection library use with explicit type checking and casting to get the array length in step 14 of InvokeAxis2.

INC-220031 · Issue 717167

Security update enhanced to support custom implementations of InvokeAxis2

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

The QueueProcessor activity indirectly invokes a Connect-SOAP. After installing the Security A22 patch, custom implementations on InvokeAxis2 reported runtime failure. This has been resolved by replacing reflection library use with explicit type checking and casting to get the array length in step 14 of InvokeAxis2.

INC-220076 · Issue 720198

Editable data page properly refreshes after interaction

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

A data page using editable mode was adhering to the "Reload once per interaction" option used for readonly mode. This led to issues such as tables not refreshing after sorting or applying filters. To resolve this, refreshReloadInteraction has been updated to false when mode is not readonly.

INC-220137 · Issue 721896

UpdateDateTime casing corrected in filters

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

When using Job Scheduler with MS/SQL, the error "Cannot find either column 'mktdata' or the user-defined function or aggregate 'mktdata.pr_read_from_stream', or the name is ambiguous." This was traced to a casing issue and has been resolved by updating the pxupdatedatetime property to pxUpdateDateTime in Filters F1 and F2.

INC-220251 · Issue 732073

New prconfigs added to handle lob closed error

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

BIX extraction was encountering the SQL error "Invalid operation: Lob is closed" while reading the BLOB, but the rest of the records were able to be extracted. This was traced to previous work done to resolve an issue where Oracle temporary space used to write the LOB was not freed up after writing records to Log-Service-File when using OJDBC8 or OJDBC10 versions. This change caused an issue for DB2 where the freed BLOB was still trying to be extracted. To address this, new prconfig settings have been introduced to control freeing BLOB memory. If the error is seen regarding the lob being closed, add and disable these settings (set value as false) in the pronfig.xml file. DATABASE_MANAGEMENT_FREELOB: settingName: database/management/freeLOB description: If this flag is set to false, it controls the free memory calls defaultValue: true DATABASE_MANAGEMENT_FREEPAGEDBMAPPERLOB: settingName: database/management/freePageDBMapperLOB description: If this flag is set to false, it controls the free memory calls. defaultValue: true Following this change, restart the server.

INC-220616 · Issue 718051

maxConsecutiveViolations default set to 5

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

Attempting to make API calls using the PegaMKTContainerV2 REST service resulted in an IllegalArgumentException. This was traced to the MaxViolations under Application Settings for "Development" (the current environment) production level being set to 0, which caused the exception because the value must be a positive number higher than 0. This has been resolved by setting the value to default to 5.

INC-220652 · Issue 721384

Added explicit clearing for AsyncServiceManager cache

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

Heap size for multiple JVMs increased after update. Investigation showed data pages loaded via Load-DataPage during service processing using requestor pools were cleared after each service interaction but the AsyncServiceManager cache was not cleared. To resolve this, an update has been made that will clear the async cache when the requestor is returned and when flush all is called.

INC-220789 · Issue 720198

Editable data page properly refreshes after interaction

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

A data page using editable mode was adhering to the "Reload once per interaction" option used for readonly mode. This led to issues such as tables not refreshing after sorting or applying filters. To resolve this, refreshReloadInteraction has been updated to false when mode is not readonly.

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