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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-195601 · Issue 685770

Basereference context available for attach content control

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

An "undefined" error occurred when attaching a file using the attach content control in the mobile harness. To resolve this, support has been added to run attachcontent in basereference context. This can be enabled by setting pega.attachToCtxPage to true.

INC-198249 · Issue 705092

Security updates for packaging mobile app

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

Unsafe properties such as password and userId are now explicitly filtered from the Operator object during the mobile app packaging process.

INC-201633 · Issue 706556

Reload icon disappears when refresh is ready

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

After updating the Field Service Mobile App from Pega 8.3 to Pega 8.6, the wait icon continued to be visible even after the refresh was completed. This has been resolved.

INC-210526 · Issue 705639

Mobile supports icons for file attachment

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

Attaching a file to a case in a mobile browser generated a script error popup. This has been resolved with code to support using icons to attach files on mobile.

INC-211208 · Issue 709647

Added fallback handling for missing Google Maps marker value

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

The Google maps location position control was not showing the marker if the marker source was a Property. No issues were seen if a data page was used as the marker source. This was due to the pega.util. Dom.getElementsByName(markerPropertyHandle) being returned as null. Since the property value was not found in DOM, the latitude and longitude values were not resolved for the marker object. This has been resolved by relying on the markerPropertyValue as a fallback in case the property bound to the marker is not part of the DOM.

INC-214160 · Issue 709282

Access group context handling updated for Mobile

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

After update, a new mobile application for a specific access group was not applying the correct access group for an operator with multiple access groups but instead used the default access group. This has been resolved by moving the logic responsible for switching access groups for Pega Mobile Client from the Authorization.getInitialAccessGroup class to the SessionAccessgroupInfo class to ensure Authorization/SessionAuthorization gets the information about the default access group for the current context.

INC-207693 · Issue 700542

Documentation updated for large attachments permissions error

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

When using the Microsoft Graph API to send an email which contained an individual attachment 3MB or larger, the error "The token contains no permissions, or permissions can not be understood" was generated. Because the Microsoft Graph API has an attachment size limitation, the Microsoft Graph API send email flow will switch to using the Office 365 Exchange Online API when that size limit is hit. The documentation for this has been updated to explicitly reflect that Office 365 Exchange Online API permissions must be enabled in the Azure Active directory app settings.

INC-217942 · Issue 716931

BIX article updated for XML extract rules

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

The BIX article "Creating and running an Extract rule" has been updated to reflect that the "Get all properties" option fetches basic properties only, and that properties must be selected manually for non-BLOB tables.

INC-198725 · Issue 707484

Elasticsearch will split queries to avoid URL length limits

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

Elastic Search Functionality was not working and showed the status as Offline. Investigation showed that when an external Elasticsearch setup had an index prefix length = 200 and a large number of dedicated indexes, the error "too_long_frame_exception, reason: An HTTP line is larger than 4096 bytes" was generated. In this case, the system was working with approximately 87 dedicated indexes and the name for each of them was sent over the URL, resulting in this error message. This has been resolved by updating the system to split queries so as to not exceed the HTTP line limit in Elasticsearch.

INC-201625 · Issue 698654

Updated variable handling for filter logic to avoid reuse

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.2

When adding the property "ItemStatus" as a filter for a report, the validation message: "This property does not exist or has no column mapping" appeared. This was traced to an empty caption for a class join property used in the filter due to RRFilters_Logic reusing the strFieldName variable, and has been resolved by updating the variable handling to use a unique name, strPropName.

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