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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-207159 · Issue 707617

Localization added for delegated datatype tab

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

Localization was not working for the title of a thread which opened when attempting to edit the delegated datatype. This has been corrected.

INC-210855 · Issue 715822

BigDecimal handling updated for @sum function

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

The @sum function was not behaving correctly. This was traced to the java code in the 'sum--(ClipboardPropertyCollection)' function which was not properly converting the double to Bigdecimal for some of the inputs like 500, 500, 600.11. This has been resolved by modifying the function to convert input properties to BigDecimal, add BigDecimal values, and return the result.

INC-211655 · Issue 714061

Removed extra space in Malaysian locale

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

For the ms_MY locale, an extra space was being appended to Number formats, such as " 0", " 1". This has been corrected.

INC-211977 · Issue 713461

Handling added for large BIX Postgres data sets

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

BIX extracts were causing timeouts or JVM out of memory errors. This was traced to the Postgres JDBC driver ignoring fetch size in auto-commit transaction mode, which led to everything being loaded into memory at once. To resolve this, changes have been added to support fetch size for large results when using PostgreSQL database for BIX Extraction.

INC-213124 · Issue 724631

AWS file type added for S3 uploads

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

The correct content type was not getting set when uploading images to S3 using the "pxPublishArtifacts" activity. This has been resolved by adding the content type for AWS files while uploading to S3.

INC-214451 · Issue 721970

Rest connector passes RequestAttachmentPage to child requestor

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

While invoking the Rest Connect from a data page, the error "InboundMappingException: Exception occurred while mapping incoming response" was generated. Requests with "Content-type:multipart/form-data" require "pyRequestAttachmentPage" or "pyResponseAttachmentPage" to be populated with correct values. When Rest-Connector was executed in parallel, those pages were not copied to the child requestor and the rest call executed from the child requestor did not have correct header and body. To resolve this, has been updated to correctly pass pyRequestAttachmentPage to the child requestor.

INC-216381 · Issue 716615

BigDecimal handling updated for @sum function

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

The @sum function was not behaving correctly. This was traced to the java code in the 'sum--(ClipboardPropertyCollection)' function which was not properly converting the double to Bigdecimal for some of the inputs like 500, 500, 600.11. This has been resolved by modifying the function to convert input properties to BigDecimal, add BigDecimal values, and return the result.

INC-219233 · Issue 716177

ReportStats delete query performance improvements

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

A database connection spike was maxing out the allowed database connections, causing login delays and termination of stream nodes. Investigation traced this to the delete query on pr_log_reportstats, which was a full table scan generated from SQLGeneratorPostgres.purgeTableContainingClass. To improve performance, the full table scan sub-query has been removed and 'limit' syntax has been added to run the necessary deletion in batches.

INC-219453 · Issue 716000

Security update enhanced to support custom implementations of InvokeAxis2

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

The QueueProcessor activity indirectly invokes a Connect-SOAP. After installing the Security A22 patch, custom implementations on InvokeAxis2 reported runtime failure. This has been resolved by replacing reflection library use with explicit type checking and casting to get the array length in step 14 of InvokeAxis2.

INC-219627 · Issue 715996

InvokeHTTPConnector security updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

"Allow invocation from browser" has been disabled for InvokeHTTPConnector, and "Require authentication to run" has been enabled. In addition, an unsafe reflection used to load JCIFS libraries for NTLM operations has been removed, which removes support for custom JCIFS libraries in Connect HTTP.

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