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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-69015 · Issue 619995

Unescaping characters implemented for expressions

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.6, Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4, Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3, Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

An issue where expression builder statements were evaluated differently at runtime than at testing has been resolved. Pega Platform expressions with String literals(that is, sequences of characters enclosed in quotation marks) now unescape characters in strategy shapes such as Set Property or Filter.

SR-D20439 · Issue 496405

Hotfix hashmap cleanup improved

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.7

A DL installation failed with an out-of-memory error. It was observed that many CacheEntry( hashmaps were being created to store the details for each hotfix but that were then never cleared. This has been resolved by adding the finally block in class to call the shutdown method for proper cleanup. In addition, the default command line utility (prpcUtils) has been updated to use JVM settings of Xmx 4GB and capture a heap dump if an out-of-memory error is encountered. The auto-generated prconfig.xml has also been updated to leverage its minimal startup setting which will avoid loading the conclusion cache into memory.

SR-D45101 · Issue 512530

Added support for Helper Text Question Mark with visibility condition

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.7

The Helper Text Question Mark was not displaying if the control was configured with "Help icon with overlay on hover" combined with a visibility condition. This was a missed use case, and the expression visibility support for controls.changes have now been added in the pzpega_ui_DLCellTemplate.js file.

SR-D5904 · Issue 490489

Discard changes dialog now showing for local actions

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.7

After having modified case data without saving and clicking on a menu entry (left menu, search, ...), the system shows a dialog box to ask the user to confirm it is ok to discard changes. However, this confirmation dialog did not work with local actions, leading users to lose their work without any warning nor any way to step back. This was traced to a difference in the dirty form check, which was not present when launching a local action from a case. An enhancement has now been added to the handleMenuAction js function in pypega_ui_harnessactions.js which will perform a dirty form check with a prompt.

SR-D23723 · Issue 503090

pxGenerateExcelFile updated for handling blank dates

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.7

When using a custom template for exporting to Excel, blank DateTime property column values defaulted to the current date. To resolve this, the pxGenerateExcelFile activity has been updated to ensure that an empty date will be exported as blank and that given dates will appear in the correct datetime format.

SR-D24950 · Issue 494566

Added explicit step page to resolve null-pointer exception with custom error message

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.7

A null pointer exception was generated during case run time harness refresh after a custom error message was inserted. This was traced to a blank step page related to the custom message, and has been resolved by adding a primary step page at step 10 of the New(Work-) activity to prevent the null-pointer exception on harness reload.

SR-D42679 · Issue 509565

oLog.infoForced has been replaced with oLog.debug in GetAssignmentDetailsInternal to reduce excessive logging

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.7

The Rest API used by Robotics was generating excessive logging on the application server due toPzGetAssignmentDetailsInternal generating several lines of logs with each REST call. In a high volume system, this can make the logs difficult to utilize. To resolve this, oLog.infoForced has been replaced with oLog.debug.

SR-D42670 · Issue 510185

Force order added to inner join when running a Rules Resolution filter

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.7

After upgrade, D_getResolvedWorkStatuses was not loading properly due to a Report Definition that used a Filter by Rule Resolution option timing out on the SQL Server. When the Filter by Rule Resolution option is selected in RD, it will generate a rule resolution query with an inner join which can cause a time out on the SQL Server while it tries to find out the join order for tables with multiple joins. To resolve this, the SQL server will provide a Force order, merge inner join hint option by way of an added DSS reporting/useForceOrderHint. Additionally, reporting/useMergeHintForRRquery should be set on Pega-Reporting to set things up for using the Merge Inner join hint in the query.

SR-D21555 · Issue 501107

Resolved command line BIX/PRPCUtils creating unreachable nodes

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.7

BIX and PRPCUtils scripts were creating nodes that showed as unreachable or that were never cleared. This was traced to a code change that resulted in nodes starting as stream nodes unless given a node type or DSS settings, and has been resolved by setting the asyncExecutor/enable setting value as false in the prconfig.xml. The BIX command line JVM argument should also be set to NodeType=BIX.

SR-D46159 · Issue 510973

Reinitializing Full Text Search will shut down Elastic Search regardless of search initialization status

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.7

Pega search was only sporadically working after converting from standard sandbox-marketing to largesandbox-marketing. This was traced to the Full-Text Search initialization having failed on the app-tier node during re-initialization. As part of re-initialization, the existing node is shut down and the Elastic Search node is started. The shutdown process relied on a boolean flag which indicated if the current status of full-text search initialization was successful. In this case, ES was trying to validate all the cluster level settings, for every save of one of the cluster level settings, but could not due to topology changes in the Util Tier node. The boolean flag indicated initialization had failed so the shutdown process was not invoked, yet the system was attempting to start the second instance of an ES node on the same machine. To resolve this, the shutdown FTS code has been modified to shutdown ES regardless of the search initialization status.

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