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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-159399 · Issue 626766

Report styles color contrast enhanced for accessibility

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

In order to improve accessibility, pzReportBrowserStyles has been updated to change the report creation info color to #00000 to enhance the contrast.

INC-159759 · Issue 629623

Report title displayed for empty widget charts

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

Per design if there is no data to be rendered in the chart from a report added in a Widget in any portal, a static image is displayed saying "No Data to Display". However, if there were multiple reports in the Widget it caused confusion on which report was not being displayed because the image did not show the title of the report. To resolve this, an enhancement has been added to modify pzRRChartDiv to display the report Title even when there is no data in it.

INC-160178 · Issue 632895

Local time used for report filters

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

The date format in the filter condition of the report was being displayed in GMT format rather than the Local time Format. This has been corrected.

INC-160608 · Issue 648634

Added handling for missing deleted/report shortcut for drilldown

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

Whenever “Report Details” for a drilldown report without category was clicked, a Flow Action Error was generated. This was due to a missing Report shortcut normally stored in the Report Definition, and has been resolved by modifying pzPreProcessReportDetails to handle the edge case of a shortcut not present/deleted for a drill-down report.

INC-160825 · Issue 629368

Search landing page performance improved

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

Performance improvements have been made for the Pega Platform search landing page by implementing timeouts for all requests to ElasticSearch when executing PegaIndexAdminImpl.getIndicesInfo() and changing all requests for single index to requests for all indexes. In addition, SearchUtils.areDummyDocumentsPresent() has been modified to get all 'dummy documents' in case there are duplicate dummy documents in the ElasticSearch indexes.

INC-162649 · Issue 639396

DSS added for handling missing attachments

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

When an S3 repository was configured as storage, some cases were not coming up in search and exception errors were seen in logs for a deleted attachment after every system restart/re-indexing of the search. Investigation showed these case objects were in the broken queue for pyFTSIncrementalIndexer due to a null pointer error encountered when indexing the attachment, and that the attachments were available in the repository but could not be read from the attachment repository during indexing. To resolve this, a new DSS setting has been added which allows selecting one of two behaviors: - Pega-SearchEngine indexing/distributed/fail_on_missing_attachment_file = true : broken item is generated, but with a meaningful error message. This is the default behavior - Pega-SearchEngine indexing/distributed/fail_on_missing_attachment_file = false: case is indexed, but without the problematic attachment. Error message is printed out to the logs.

INC-163173 · Issue 650172

Datatype import updated to handle null value

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

After upgrade, attempting to import CSV files in Data type using the import option provided was not working. This was traced to the AccessPolicy Filter value being set to null in the filterLogic, and has been resolved by modifying the 'if' condition in the NativeSQLSecurityPolicyHelper file to handle an empty value in the logic string of an access control policy condition for a datatype class.

INC-169055 · Issue 646673

Performance improvements for database queries and archiving

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

In order to improve the performance of database queries, repetitive unnecessary database calls have been removed, archival queries have been simplified, and diagnostic metrics were added. Optional batch requestors have been added to all archival services with their own DSS settings to allow processing more cases in parallel. It is recommended to create 2 additional indexes to help with the archival process. The indexes will be on:pegadata.pr_metadata (pyisparent, pyobjclass, pyarchivestatus) INCLUDE (pyinskey); pegadata.pr_metadata (pyisparent, pyarchivestatus) INCLUDE (pyinskey);

INC-169856 · Issue 649458

Personalized table sort order limited

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

After implementing a personalized table, the query started adding more 'order by' sorts, causing system impact. This was traced to the pzPopulateSortOrder activity Implementation having different constants assumed for the same purpose (999 in one place and 99999 in another), and has been resolved by updating the logic in step 1 and step 2 to disregard sort orders higher than 999.

INC-174756 · Issue 650672

Queue processor correctly moves items to Broken Items

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

When an exception occurred while Queue Processor processed an item, he queue item was not moved to Broken Items. The error " inconsistent datatypes: expected - got CLOB DatabaseException caused by prior exception" was generated. This has been resolved by modifying the NativeSQL builder and NativeSQLBatchExecutor to allow the batch of queries to be retried. Additional changes were also added for Oracle databases to identify the correct column types.

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