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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D90284 · Issue 551472

Added 'when' condition to class change in ShowColorPicker activity

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.7

When using an included color picker control in a section, selecting a color resulted in the color picker pyworkpage class content changing to Embed-Skin-Controls. This has been resolved by modifying the previous behavior of always changing pyWorkPage's obj class as part of the ShowColorPicker activity by adding a 'when' condition to change the class only if it is empty.

SR-D90331 · Issue 553607

Context-specific APIs used for RefreshHarness with AJAX container

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.7

After creating an interaction case and letting it go idle, attempting to continue and process the service cases in that case was intermittently resulting in a transaction ID mismatch error. This was traced to handling in the AJAX container, and has been resolved by updating the system to use context-specific APIs for refreshHarness case in doc_submit.

SR-D91964 · Issue 551091

Negative values in optimized table filters show markup

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.7

HTML markup was shown in the filter popup when Number control was used in a Table cell and there were negative values in the cells at runtime. This was traced to work done on template grid filtering, and has been corrected.

SR-D92571 · Issue 553114

Corrected ReportBrowser refresh section

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.7

After bringing up the popup menu on a report shortcut in the report viewer and then dismissing it, the gear icon on the shortcuts in the upper section of the report browser stopped responding. This has been resolved by updating the system to refresh the pyReportBrowserInner section instead of pyReportBrowserAll.

SR-D95367 · Issue 560739

Expanded debug logging for exception blocks

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.7

In order to enhance debugging, logging has been expanded to capture more detail on exception blocks.

SR-D95410 · Issue 556323

CSS added for currency display place holder when empty

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.7

After update, currency cell properties displayed a blank space instead of the previous "--" if the value was empty. This was traced to templating and markup changes that resulted in styles related to adding hyphens not getting applied to the inner span, and has been resolved by adding the necessary CSS.

SR-D96224 · Issue 556780

Validation error messages correctly cleared

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.7

The error message on a checkbox field, radio button, or text area with a on-change post value was persisting even after the correct input was provided. This occurred when the area had a caption, and was due to an additional wrapper span that caused the error div to be the span's sibling instead of the span itself. In the post value success, the system checked whether the error div was present in the area's parent, i.e. span, and when no div was returned the error msg was not removed. It was possible to add an action 'Refresh this section' on change as a workaround, but this has been corrected by updating the system so that Instead of checking the error div in src.parentNode, it will access the correct parentNode using 'closest' and check for the error div.

INC-178650 · Issue 673549

Cross-site scripting protections updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.3

Cross-site scripting protections have been updated around the DisplayAttachment function.

INC-183947 · Issue 673734

Query split added to handle Oracle expressions limit

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.3

The PXCHECKFLOWDEPENDENCIES activity was throwing the Oracle error message "ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000" when a case had a very large number of sub-cases, causing a failure in trying to submit additional child cases which sent them into the broken process. This has been resolved by updating the pxCheckFlowDependencies rule to break down the query parameter into batches of 999 so they can be handled by Oracle.

INC-184816 · Issue 674434

Added handling to find the workparty for FixCorrespondence

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.3

Using a Send Email smart shape and triggering email by passing the target email ID instead of the workparty role triggered the email as expected, but if a fix correspondence flow was initiated due to some error during the transaction, it was not possible to resubmit the fix flow action. Investigation showed that this was due to the fix correspondence flow check using the party role, which had not been passed. This has been resolved by updating the corrUpdate and createAndProcessCorr activities to copy the pyCorrPage from NotifyOp which contains the getgetEmailSenderInfo and use it to set pyCorrPage.pyStreamType.

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