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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D72121 · Issue 536409

Currency Control accepts value on PostValue action set

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

Currency control in the section was sourced by a decimal property. Irrespective of the value entered, the validation triggered the message "entered value is not a decimal value" and did not allow user to proceed. Investigation showed than on getting the server response for post value action, the target element was updated with the response value when it should be skipped for currency control. To resolve this, an additional check for attribute: data-formatting has been added to the textInput control so when action PostValue is configured on Currency control and there is a change of value, the system will skip replacing the value with formatted value.

SR-D73260 · Issue 536890

Multiselect control support for offline-enabled iOS app

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

After a custom mobile application for iOS was built and was running on iPad for an offline-enabled user adding a multiselect control into a section as part a flow caused the screen to hang when a save or submit was performed. This has been resolved by enhancing support for offline multiselect submit with the addition of pzpega_ui_template_multiselect_capsule to offline static bundle.

SR-D73510 · Issue 538663

Cross-site scripting filtering for ActionStringID

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

Cross-site scripting filter logic has been added to the ActionStringID function.

SR-D73847 · Issue 536162

Added exception handler for URL decode error

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

After logging in to Pega Deployment Manager, clicking Users -> People in the left navigation panel resulted ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. This was traced to an incomplete trailing escape (%) pattern and has been resolved by adding checks and exception handling for incomplete data from the browser.

SR-D74057 · Issue 540060

Updated aria handling for Dynamic Layout Group 'Accordion'

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

The Dynamic Layout Group display type 'Accordion' was not getting initialized properly on the browser developer inspector. This was traced to the aria-selected attribute set to always be true, and has been resolved by adding logic to set and unset aria- selected only on the active tab. When the tab is not active, then aria-selected will be false.

SR-D74165 · Issue 537513

DateRange clear button localized

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

Localization has been added to the 'clear' button in DateRange.

SR-D74704 · Issue 535941

Section and navigation rule localization added

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

Localization has been added for sections and navigation rules that include some of the out-of-the-box rules like Locked and Get help.

SR-D75205 · Issue 543566

Refresh with DT or pre-activity added to dirty pop up check

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

Given a button which when clicked launched a data transform to set a few properties on the UI followed by a section refresh, a dirty warning popup did not appear when closing the work object even though the property changed via the refresh section. This has been resolved with an additional condition in the dirty pop up check to handle a refresh section using a DT or pre-activity.

SR-D76085 · Issue 541525

Corrected display of ">" in multiselect control

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

When using a Multiselect Property configured with a data page as a source, any value with symbol ">" displayed as > in the list the first time but displayed correctly after being selected. This was traced to the conversions being handled in the sectionResultMarkup of pzpega_control_multiselect for Cross-site scripting protection, and has been corrected.

SR-D76826 · Issue 543095

Corrected SmartInfo header text overlap with close icon

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

SmartInfo header text was not consistent in being wrapped to the next line, and when it did not wrap it was overlapping with the close icon. This was traced to the method used for applying the inline style to SmartInfo's header div by getting the body div's offsetWidth. In working scenarios, the body div's width has fractional portion (ex. 368.188px) and offsetWidth returns a rounded number like 368px in this case. This resulted in the header content not fitting in single line because it exceeded the space it was given, and wrapping resulted. In the non-working scenario, the body div's width did not have a fractional portion and therefore matched offsetWidth, meaning the header content fit to single line and overlapped the close icon. To resolve this, SmartInfo Header Div has been updated to be always be slightly less than the SmartInfo Body div.

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