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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D78940 · Issue 542926

Dataflow monitoring enhanced

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

Enhanced monitoring and healthchecks have been added for dataflow and alerts.

SR-D79909 · Issue 542244

DDS added for automated dataflow run cleanup

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

During a recent upgrade it was seen that there were in excess of 20k dataflow runs, some 2 years old, which slowed down the migration significantly. In order to resolve this, an automated process has been added. This clean-up procedure deletes all the single case, batch, and real time runs older than 30 days which are in the final state - Completed, Completed with Failures, or Failed, and batch and real time runs which are in the Stopped state. The DDS Pega-DecisionEngine.dataflow/run/maxDaysToKeepRuns.should be used configure the retention period. Note that the retention period is calculated since the last processed message and not the creation time of the run.

SR-D82917 · Issue 545518

Revision Management updated for Marketing

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

When Offers created outside of the CR context were deleted from Revision Managment LP using the Delete Rules option, the Offer was deleted but the Decision Data was not updated. This also happened when the offer was not included while submitting the revision. This has been resolved by providing the needed extension for deleting the offer rules in marketing.

SR-D44942 · Issue 518354

Guided tour popups handling added for right-to-left language locales

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

Guided Tour Popups were still appearing in the default EN location after switching to the ar_AR locale. This was traced to a missed use case for locales using a right-to-left mode such as Arabic or Hebrew, and has been resolved by updating the guided tour engine openPopOver function to account for the HTML tag dir attribute for value of "rtl". This will anchor the pop over to rightBottom / and display the arrow on the rightTop instead of leftBottom / leftTop.

SR-D52138 · Issue 537505

Property setting corrected for On Join and Exclusion shapes in Expression Builder

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

The properties for the defined page did not appear when using the type-ahead feature to select properties for the On Data Join and Exclusion shapes in Expression Builder. This was an issue related to the property being referenced for setting the context in the expression builder, and has been corrected.

SR-D54963 · Issue 524114

Updated Decision Table validation for multiple OR conditions

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

When the Decision Table had multiple OR conditions, the table was verified as consistent even when two rows had the same value. Analysis showed that when Show Conflicts encountered multiple 'or' conditions in a row that matched the same conditions in other rows, it considered them to be different rows. This has been corrected.

SR-D54984 · Issue 529209

Resolved ruleset save issue for Google Chrome/IE

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

When using particular versions of Google Chrome or IE, the intermittent error "pyComponentInterfaceClass: does not exist or is not a valid entry for this ruleset and its prerequisites" appeared when attempting to validate an application, and the ruleset could not be saved. This was traced to changes made in the browser around password handling, and has been resolved by explicitly clearing out the pyComponentInterfaceClass if that value is not in use.

SR-D56347 · Issue 523275

Pega unit for case type records user inputs

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

When creating a Pega unit for the case type by selecting Actions -> Record test case for Case, the user inputs were not recorded for embedded page properties. This has been corrected.

SR-D61681 · Issue 532560

Handling added for different access groups updating a case

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

When a parent flow was configured with a Wait shape to wait until any AccessChild case reached Pending-Authentication and then the “Update a case” shape was used to update the case status of child cases using a Data Transform, the Wait shape was being processed successfully but the child cases were not always updated as expected. This issue occurred when the cases were processed by users with different access groups, so the ProcessFlowDependencies agent processed the dependency. In this scenario, findPageByHandle returned an incorrect WorkPage because of the different access groups. To resolve this, pyLoadMyCasesNested Step-5 and pzProcessIndividualDepAssignment Step -13 now make additional checks to verify whether the page found by findPageByHandle API is a valid WorkPage or not.

SR-D63031 · Issue 526243

Reusable assets default option populated correctly for new application

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.6

When creating an application with at least two case types where each case type belonged to different class groups and pointed to different tables but were configured to have only one work pool, operator work pool values for pxThread and pxRequestor did not correctly reflect the different access group settings. This was traced to the inheritance of default values when the portal pyPortal.pyDesktopType was set to Composite, which caused the system to always take the value from the work pools in the application whether or not it was the same value as specified. A check has now been added so that the system will only default to using the value from the work pool if no value has been specified.

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