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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-137882 · Issue 599140

Hazelcast will be used to determine node presence

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

When calling logoff from the end user portal, sporadic PresenceStandardLifeCycleListener exceptions were seen during high load periods. This was traced to changes made in the Service Discovery behavior: when there is an issue with the node and heartbeats are missed, the node goes to Safe Mode. This caused the topology to change and trigger clearing off presence sessions, but the node still received service requests and this issue was seen. To resolve this, an updated has been made so the system will rely on the Hazelcast listener instead of service discovery to determine whether a node has left.

INC-138253 · Issue 597569

Handling added to ensure proper Data-Admin-DB-Table name records

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

As part of property optimization, After exposing the property "SolutionName" using the wizard, the value was not visible in a new column for existing records after the completion of the column population job. This was traced to an issue with DBSchemaDDLExecutor expecting lowercase Data-Admin-DB-Table names, and the wizard has been updated to ensure Data-Admin-DB-Table name records are all lowercase.

INC-138743 · Issue 602446

Updated LegacyPageAdapter with forward links

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

After upgrade, attempting to submit an assignment from an existing case type did not work, and the message "There was an error processing the 'ValidateTechnicalData' step [(no task)]: java.lang.ClassCastException: com.pega.platform.clipboard.adapters.internal.LegacyPageAdapter cannot be cast to" appeared on screen. Investigation showed that a reference forward link was unexpectedly referring to a LegacyPageAdapter. This has been resolved by implementing get/setNamedPageReferenceForwardLinks in LegacyPageAdapter so LegacyPageAdapter can be cast to a ClipboardPageAPI.

INC-138840 · Issue 599980

Data-Summary reports default will not use the rule resolved setting

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

An intermittent issue was seen where a query could become stuck for ~2 hours in the database. This has been resolved by setting the default for Data-Summary reports to not use the rule resolved setting.

INC-139297 · Issue 601422

JSON content type update

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

An update has been made to ensure the content_type is set to application/json for JSON response.

INC-141838 · Issue 601680

Locking and classmap improvements

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

Threads were getting stuck inside classMap and tableInformationMap, causing nodes to go down. This was traced to issues with classmap performance and locking, and has been resolved by replacing the lock library with a newer version and refactoring the tableInformationMapImpl class to use a concurrent hashmap instead.

INC-142188 · Issue 600331

Resolved parent lock sending child item to broken queue

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

If the ServiceLevelEvents agent tried to process the queue item for a child case but encountered a lock error because the parent case was locked, the queue item was immediately going to the Broken-Process status instead of re-queueing the item to try again in 15 minutes. If the property was set to 'Copy data from a data page', the item was re-queued. To resolve this, the unwind and forward chain calls have been reversed. A dynamic system setting is available to reset the change.

INC-142569 · Issue 597897

CORS headers added for Health check URL

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

Pega Health Check URLs were throwing CORS error when invoked for application Health checks. This has been resolved by adding CORS headers for pingService responses.

INC-142831 · Issue 605476

Corrected Outlook web inline image handling

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

Outlook web was not able to render inline images and instead added them as external attachments. Investigation showed inline images were not being rendered properly in Outlook web due to the disposition not being set. This has been corrected.

INC-143195 · Issue 596846

BLOB utility modified for better memory usage

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

An out of memory error was encountered when running the utility for handling corrupted BLOBs. This has been resolved by modifying the utility to get the rows in batches.

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