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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D76409 · Issue 540299

Cleanup added for staging directory

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.8

Temporary files from imports and exports (from DevOps) were filling up the staging area disk space because there was no automatic process for cleaning up these local files. This has been resolved by adding an enhancement that will clear the directory on Engine Startup and any time ParUtils.setStagingDirectory gets called to initialize the staging directory.

SR-D78987 · Issue 544060

Support for custom jvm.args added

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.8

In order to support Oracle PKI and other ticket based authentication, support has been added for custom jvm.args properties to setupDatabase and prpcUtils properties files.

SR-D79178 · Issue 543311

SameSite cookie setting added for Mashup support in Google Chrome v80+

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.8

The Google Chrome browser version 80 and above now treats SameSite with a blank value as "Lax" by default, causing mashup scenarios to break. In order to compensate for this change, support has been added for setting SameSite=None in Cookie Settings; this value automatically includes the “secure” cookie flag, which enforces HTTPS for the Pega server and mashup. For mashups to work, SameSite should be set as None. Create a Dynamic system setting in the Pega-Engine RuleSet with the name “security/csrf/samesitecookieattributevalue” and the value "None" and restart the server. (The SameSite value "None" works only in secure HTTPS connections.) Note: The SameSite cookie may be set to None/Lax/Strict, based on the requirement. For cookie requirements other than mashup, it should be set as either Strict or Lax, depending upon your application.

SR-D68311 · Issue 535985

Corrected table row highlighting on iPad

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.8

A table row was highlighted when clicked on an iPad in landscape view, but when the device was rotated to portrait view the row was not highlighted. This was traced to the background CSS overriding the selected style, and has been corrected by modifying py-responsive-overrides.css.

SR-D34359 · Issue 510602

StretchTabsWidth performance improvements

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.8

Slowness was seen when a new intent task was created through an interaction. To improve performance, some of the unnecessary calls to the Layout Group _updateStretchTabsWidth() function have been eliminated, and the function code has been updated to use native javascript performant helper functions so it starts rendering sooner. A flag has also been added to disable addnewtab and resizeactions: these need to be enabled through pega.u.d.DISABLE_LG_RESIZE and pega.u.d.DISABLE_ADDNEWTAB.

SR-D43740 · Issue 512184

Added support for Helper Text Question Mark with visibility condition

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.8

The Helper Text Question Mark was not displaying if the control was configured with "Help icon with overlay on hover" combined with a visibility condition. This was a missed use case, and the expression visibility support for controls.changes have now been added in the pzpega_ui_DLCellTemplate.js file.

SR-D45251 · Issue 523815

Harness context will be stored to handle on click executed outside of the Ajax Container

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.8

An exception was generated in the interaction portal on execution of a post-value action for the on-change event on a text-box in the service case: "Failed to find instance Work-Interaction-Research.EmailBodyRTE of type Rule-HTML-Section". This was traced to a condition where clicking outside of the Ajax Container context to trigger the change caused the Events code to execute the event in the active context when the active context had already been changed by clicking outside of the AC. To avoid this, the system will store the harness context in the event object using pega.ctxmgr.getContextByTarget(target) API. Additional changes were also made to handle the context switching in case of post value when the blur triggers a change in context.

SR-D45848 · Issue 515525

Added toggle to hold radio button value during multiple service case creation

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.8

When a field was implemented with a radio button control in the service case screen, starting two cases of the same or different case type (with the same property and control) resulted in the selected value not sticking in the first case when selections were made for the second case. This was traced to multiple radio buttons with the same name in the dom for different AJAX containers: as per radio buttons behavior, only one could be selected if they have the same name. To correct this issue, updates have been made to change the name on radio buttons which are inside the hidden AJAX container and toggle the changes when the buttons should be shown.

SR-D46451 · Issue 511711

Resolved signature capture transaction error

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.8

After configuring a launch modal in flow to capture a signature, trying the submit the flow after capture was resulting in the error "This action is not allowed as it is outside the current transaction." This was traced to the flow in the modal HTML which contained a hidden input for transaction ID, and this ID was not being updated. As this was part of a legacy area, the hidden input transactionID element in pzFlowDetails has been removed.

SR-D47344 · Issue 519892

Single quotes escaped in rich-text editor title field value

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.8

A JSON parse error was caused by single quotes not being escaped in the rich-text editor title field value. This has been corrected.

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