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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-174699 · Issue 652070

Work objects can open in multiple tabs with Layout group

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

After implementing the Worker portal with Layout Group(Tab) to open work objects and other options (Pulse, Spaces, My Cases etc.) in multiple tabs, the tabs opened as expected the first time but after all of the tabs were closed any newly opened cases appeared in popup windows instead of tabs. Investigation showed that when the last tab was closed, the display was set to the main div container of the ajaxcontainer so opening the work object again used a new window. Tab Group has been deprecated in the current Pega version, but the site has a requirement to open the cases in same way as they appeared with Tab Group; to resolve this, support has been added by making the width 0 for the active header highlighter instead of using display none for the main container for this configuration.

INC-174921 · Issue 652320

Client Side required validation applied to dropdown Date field

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

The mandatory validation on submit of the screenflow screen was not being triggered even though 'Required' was configured on the Date field.This was traced to the validation being applied to a hidden field when the date time control is configured in dropdown mode, and has been resolved by adding a condition for validating this configuration.

INC-155878 · Issue 645364

Class list updated when using ActivateDocument in portal navigation

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

Global search worked the first time it was used, but failed after another case was opened from the dashboard or there was a click on any landing page home, dashboard, or space. Investigation showed this was caused by the pySearchText being blank in the clipboard, which was traced to a harness context issue related to pega.desktop.activateDocument being used in pzPortalNavigation on DynamicLayout with Application Logo and Application label. To resolve this, an update has been made that will update the class list with the proper one when the data-harness-id is set.

SR-D47146 · Issue 515647

Pick Values modal updated for deprecated list view handling

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.8

Pick values were not displaying in the menus below Case Management-> Tools -> My Work, including "Work entered by me", "Work by workbasket", and "Work resolved by me recently". This was due to the use of deprecated list views: the pick values modal was failing to show and hide the busy indicator because the indicator now uses jQuery, but list view does not include jQuery. In order to resolve this, the equivalent Report Definition pyEnteredByMe has now been added under the navigation rule : pzProcessAndCaseRulesMainMenu.

SR-D59504 · Issue 524641

Attachment drag drop searches only current Ajax context

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.8

When the Interaction for customer service was open and more than 1 task from the sidebar was open, the drag and drop zone was missing on any subsequent Task/Cases past the first. In an Ajax container scenario, getElementByID js was searching in all the containers because they were present in DOM, and it was losing context. To resolve this, the code has been updated to only search in the current context when using an Ajax container.

SR-D76291 · Issue 547842

Updated retry logic for S3 AddAttachmentFromEmail

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.8

When using the AddAttachmentFromEmail activity with S3 repositories, performing an obj-save on the data-workattach-file page executes a deferred save while also saving the file into the repository. if the data was inserted into S3 successfully but encountered an issue when saving the related data-work-attach-file page, the system was trying to call the save operation again. This tried to insert the duplicate attachment again to S3, causing an error on that side of the process. To resolve this, the duplicate Obj-Save functionality in AddAttachmentFromMail Activity has been removed.

SR-D80120 · Issue 544216

Custom attachment category parameter passed to dropdown

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.8

Attempting to use the out-of-the-box “Attachments control” which was configured at design time to use a custom category where both the custom category and the section class were in the same work class resulted in the attachment category dropdown defaulting to “File” instead of the custom category. Investigation showed that the custom attachment category name configured on the control was missing in one of the pre-processing activities sequence. To resolve this, the activity Work-.pzInitAttachContent and the initAttachmentPage activity have been updated to pass the custom attachment category parameter.

SR-D48369 · Issue 514307

Reinitializing Full Text Search will shut down Elastic Search regardless of search initialization status

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.8

Pega search was only sporadically working after converting from standard sandbox-marketing to largesandbox-marketing. This was traced to the Full-Text Search initialization having failed on the app-tier node during re-initialization. As part of re-initialization, the existing node is shut down and the Elastic Search node is started. The shutdown process relied on a boolean flag which indicated if the current status of full-text search initialization was successful. In this case, ES was trying to validate all the cluster level settings, for every save of one of the cluster level settings, but could not due to topology changes in the Util Tier node. The boolean flag indicated initialization had failed so the shutdown process was not invoked, yet the system was attempting to start the second instance of an ES node on the same machine. To resolve this, the shutdown FTS code has been modified to shutdown ES regardless of the search initialization status.

SR-D56293 · Issue 536776

Resolved timeout errors related to getIndexInfo

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.8

When attempting to import large files (around 300MB) via Designer Studio a time out error was seen, but the same upload worked as expected from the command line. Investigation showed that the "approximate" argument in getIndexInfo caused wasteful analytic operations to be run on the database, hampering performance. To resolve this, areas where the results of the analysis are not needed have been modified to have aApproximate set to be true so it will not be run.

SR-D60375 · Issue 527755

Resolved upgrade SqlSyntaxErrorException

Resolved in Pega Version 8.1.8

When trying to perform an in-place update, the error "SqlSyntaxErrorException" appeared. Investigation showed that DDL statements for Adding 'pzInsKey' as PrimaryKey for Tables pc_work and pr_sys_locks were generated during the upgrade while pzInsKey was already the PrimaryKey in corresponding tables. This has been corrected.

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