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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-170646 · Issue 658307

Security update for unauthorized URL requests

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

Updates have been made to improve security around unprivileged users and unregistered requests.

INC-170669 · Issue 651813

Handling added for RuleNotFound exception

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

If a declare rule was run on a redux page and the highest ruleset version was withdrawn, a RuleNotFound exception was thrown and step status was set with the message "Failed to find a 'RULE-DECLARE-EXPRESSIONS' ...". This has been resolved by updating the system to avoid throwing a RuleNotFound exception if the candidate list is empty for the declare expression.

INC-170950 · Issue 652332

Handling added for datetime set by relative reference

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

When initializing a datetime property contained within .pxPages() in a data transform rule, if the property being set applied to @baseclass it was initialized as decimal string while all other properties were handled as normal GMT-based Pega date time strings. Investigation showed that the decimal value was set when the target page was given by a relative reference like .pxPages(TEXT) which was also defined on Pages & Classes. This has been resolved with an update to detect relative reference as page name in Pages & Classes tab and fall back to the old assembler.

INC-171753 · Issue 649441

Checks for Apache Tomcat 6 with MSSQL removed

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

After implementing a specific local Tomcat configuration that removed the Tomcat version number from displaying on Tomcat standard error screens, the error "Tomcat 6 not supported or unable to detect version for custom Tomcat: Apache Tomcat. Contact Pega Customer Support!" appeared and Tomcat failed to start. Because Tomcat 6 was not supported for use with Microsoft SQL Server Systems, Pega used the ServletContext.getServerInfo() method to determine the Tomcat version; if the system used Tomcat 6 or an undetermined version in combination with MSSQL then the system would purposefully not start. As Tomcat 6 is no longer supported in Pega 8.5.2 and above, this check is unnecessary in those versions and the Tomcat version 6 checks in ClassMapImpl have been removed to allow serverAllowsMerge to return as true.

INC-172350 · Issue 658277

Removed duplicate Set-Cookie Secure Keyword

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

Checking the headers of the login page showed the Cookie Pega-AAT duplicated the Secure keyword. This was traced to the PegaAATCookieWrapper extending the CookieWrapper class and causing the secure flag to be set in both the classes. This did not have a functional impact, but the secure flag set has been removed from the PegaAATCookieWrapper class to avoid duplication.

INC-172546 · Issue 652880

Resolved classcast exception with assembled HTML controls

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

A classcast exception was being generated on login. Investigation showed the Static Assembler was unexpectedly using a different Assembler to assemble the Html control rule. Standard behavior is that StreamBuilderAssembler assembles controls of type StreamBuilder and ControlAssemblerForVTable assembles controls of type ControlBuilder. In this case, static assembly for HTML controls using VTable was performed using StreamBuilderAssembler, causing a classcast exception when using VTable because the instance of the generated.html class was incorrectly inheriting from StreamBuilder (the parent class of ControlBuilder) instead of ControlBuilder which is the specified interface in the generated.html Java code. This has been resolved by updating the system to skip rules of type 'Rule-HTML-Property'(control) during Static Assembly.

INC-172692 · Issue 650615

InsID will be derived from handle if null for upgrade

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

Upgrade from Pega 7 to Pega 8 failed with a null pointer exception in the “Upgrade Context” target. This was traced to a rule where the pxInsID was null. To resolve this, an update has been made to derive the InsID from handle when needed.

INC-172849 · Issue 665983

SortPageList method updated for Obj-Sort

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

Sorting page lists backed by a node level datapage using Obj-Sort was causing a ConcurrentModificationException. This has been resolved by updating the SorterImpl.sortPageList method to use java7CollectionsSort instead of collectionsSortWithInferenceEngineDisabled.

INC-172859 · Issue 661199

Invalid date handling added to Legacy Adapters

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

Running the Job Scheduler activity failed with the error "not a valid date/time value". Investigation showed this was caused by LegacyPropertyAdapter.isEmpty being returned as true in case of properties having invalid values, and has been resolved by adding handling for an InvalidValueException in LegacyPropertyAdapter and LegacyPageAdapter.

INC-173092 · Issue 648738

Handling added for multi-node concurrent access to conclusions

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

A proposition update was triggered and heap memory jumped up and a thread dump was generated. A Pega0004 error was also generated at the same time. Investigation showed that many queries were getting fired on pr4_rule_sysgen table in a multi-node environment during RAP import. This caused database contention as more than 80 nodes were trying to load conclusions simultaneously. To resolve this, an update has been made to run an agent periodically to save conclusions into the database. This agent is configured to not run on multiple nodes simultaneously, which will avoid database contention issues from conclusions.

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