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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D95367 · Issue 560739

Expanded debug logging for exception blocks

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.7

In order to enhance debugging, logging has been expanded to capture more detail on exception blocks.

SR-D95410 · Issue 556323

CSS added for currency display place holder when empty

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.7

After update, currency cell properties displayed a blank space instead of the previous "--" if the value was empty. This was traced to templating and markup changes that resulted in styles related to adding hyphens not getting applied to the inner span, and has been resolved by adding the necessary CSS.

SR-D96224 · Issue 556780

Validation error messages correctly cleared

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.7

The error message on a checkbox field, radio button, or text area with a on-change post value was persisting even after the correct input was provided. This occurred when the area had a caption, and was due to an additional wrapper span that caused the error div to be the span's sibling instead of the span itself. In the post value success, the system checked whether the error div was present in the area's parent, i.e. span, and when no div was returned the error msg was not removed. It was possible to add an action 'Refresh this section' on change as a workaround, but this has been corrected by updating the system so that Instead of checking the error div in src.parentNode, it will access the correct parentNode using 'closest' and check for the error div.

INC-194932 · Issue 686277

Handling updated for offlineWorkIDs map

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

Intermittent failures were seen when deleting attachments on Mobile. These were traced to pega.ui.DCUtils being undefined, and has been resolved by populating the offlineWorkIDs map for attachment-related actions.

INC-188469 · Issue 714843

Updated retainLock for DoClose activity

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

After sending an external email notification from a case, attempting to use the "close" button resulted in an access denied error. This was traced to a missed use case for recent security improvements which resulted in not setting the required parameter retainLock for the DoClose activity, and has been resolved.

INC-192673 · Issue 689552

Tab highlighting updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

Not all elements were indicated with yellow highlighting when tabbing through the screen. This has been resolved.

INC-194180 · Issue 704636

GetChildcases handling updated for large numbers of cases

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

When a very high number of child cases being processed contained a wait shape that was dependent on the movement of a parent case, some of the cases were moved to the next step of the flow automatically while others required a manual command to ResumeFlow. In extreme cases where many child cases were waiting, a node crash could occur. This was traced to the pzGetChildcases report having a maximum value of 500 lines, and has been resolved by increasing the maximum number of rows to retrieve to 9999 in the Data Access Tab of the pzGetChildCases report definition. In addition, the pxCheckFlowDependencies activity has been modified to perform with a higher number of cases, and DSS(MaxRecords) logic has been added to split the child cases into multiple queue items for each access group to decrease load on each thread process.

INC-201723 · Issue 719854

Audit message displays correct parameter value

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

The Audit message showed "{1}" instead of displaying the parameter value dynamically. This was traced to the pyInstructions field value which contained the message "Please approve or reject this {1}", and has been resolved by updating the pzInstructionsForApproval rule so the correct value is displayed.

INC-203595 · Issue 702360

Updated retainLock for DoClose activity

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

After sending an external email notification from a case, attempting to use the "close" button resulted in an access denied error. This was traced to a missed use case for recent security improvements which resulted in not setting the required parameter retainLock for the DoClose activity, and has been resolved.

INC-207218 · Issue 706367

Check added to prevent duplicate approval by single agent

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

When using a cascading Approvals process supported both by a web access button or by responding via email, a single agent could use both methods and advance a case an additional step as if they were the next approval level. This was due to the system only checking the pzInsKey when processing the approval while the assignment key will be the same for the cascading approvals assignments. This has been resolved by introducing a datetime check to validate if the email approval assignment creation datetime and the one in the database have same value; if yes the approval process will proceed and if not it will exit.

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