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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D85551 · Issue 548075

Resolved touch events issue with updated Google Chrome

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

After upgrading Google Chrome, touch events on a flow action under the Action Button in a case or on the application under "Launch web interface" were not reacting and the flow actions were not accessed. Investigation showed that Google Chrome's latest upgrade (79.0.3945.130) removed the ontouchstart property in the window, causing the isTouchable capability identification method to fail. This has been resolved by adding a check for navigator.maxTouchPoints to identify for Google Chrome whether the device involved has a touchscreen.

SR-D82882 · Issue 544165

Special characters excluded in the create tag activity

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

The system was allowing the creation of a tag with special characters at the case level from the Actions tab. This was traced to the pxCreateTag activity 3rd step, which passed the current page parameter without invoking the pyValidateTagName activity. This has been corrected by updating the logic.

SR-D80589 · Issue 544840

Check added before clearing Report definition custom filter section page

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

When using a Custom Section in the Report Viewer, the Page referred to at the Prefix was getting reset while running the report. Investigation showed the page was being reinitialized in pzCreateCustomFilterPage step 2, and this has been resolved by adding a 'when' rule for clearing the custom filter page.

SR-D91038 · Issue 553163

Corrected report with combo chart in Case Manager portal

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

After adding the required columns a report in the report viewer and then adding a combo chart and dropping the summarized column on the y-axes and group by column on X-axis, clicking on "done editing" generated the error "pyUI.pyChart: You must have at least two Aggregate Columns in the chart series .pyUI.pyChart.pyDataAxis(1).pyChartOutputType: A Combo chart requires at least 1 Chart Type be a Column". Investigation showed that the second DataAxis page was getting deleted in the pzCleanChartDataAxis activity, causing the validation to fail. This has been resolved by adding a 'when' rule to "pzChartIsSingleY" that checks for "SingleYAxisClustered" chart and refers the same in pzCleanChartDataAxis to skip the data axis deletion.

SR-D53176 · Issue 541792

Error when adding function filter will persist

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

When an exception occurred while adding a filter in the report viewer, the error was shown but cleared due to an immediate refresh of the parent section. Analysis found that step2 of pzGetFiltersFromContent was failing, after which the error was shown, the section reload happened, and the error disappeared. To resolve the error being cleared prematurely, the pzOnLoadReloadReport control has been modified so that when there are messages on the top level page (pyReportContentPage), a parameter will be set on HarnessContextMgr to not to clear them during the next refresh call.

SR-D75097 · Issue 539515

Improved handling against formula injection attacks in Export to ExcelJJ

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

Every time a possibly vulnerable cell value was found during Export to Excel, the value on that cell was modified to prevent a formula injection attack. If the value was non numeric, it would still render an apostrophe, although it should be hidden. Previous work on this issue involved the addition of a DSS which allowed this security to be disabled if the Excel was going to be consumed by an external tool, but the security implementation used to protect against calculation injection has reworked the ExcelSecurity utility function to allow the ability to change the cell style of a cell that is potentially vulnerable to formula injection attacks. This change no longer changes the cell value but instead applies a new cell style that has quotePrefix enabled.

SR-D83060 · Issue 547918

Repaired History class report column sorting

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

Attempting to sort any of the columns in a report using the History class did not render the results and the error "Cannot render the section" appeared. Tracer showed a Fail status for some out-of-the-box activities with the message "java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException". Investigation showed the logic in pzMergeAutoGenForProp activity was failing because the pyIsFunction property was not set on the UIField pages for function columns. To resolve this, the logic for pzMergeAutoGenForProp has been modified to get pyIsFunction from the field name.

SR-D83373 · Issue 545750

Stage Label name displayed in chart

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

When pyCaseStatusControl was used, the cases label was displayed as $label instead of the Case Name. This was related to the version of Fusion Charts included, and has been resolved for this release by modifying library code in fusioncharts.js to fix the issue in datasetrollover listener code. Fusion Charts will be upgraded in v8.5 for a more complete solution to this issue.

SR-D79796 · Issue 544947

Updates made for deprecated Fusion chart styles

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

Trying to change the background colors or font sizes for the values on the x-axis and y-axis in a report was not working. This was traced to Fusion deprecating the use of `<styles>` definitions with the introduction of JavaScript charts, and has been resolved by updating the code to compensate for this change.

SR-D86864 · Issue 548092

Very long auto-generated index trimmed for use in Report Browser

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

The creation of a new report via the user report browser failed if there was an index with a long name (over 30 characters). The out-of-the-box method automatically generated the prefix, but the Report editor could not handle the very long declare index name and as a result did not consider properties from the embedded pages. To resolve this, pzUpdateAssociation and pzInsertNewReportColumn have been updated to trim the prefix for the declare index to 30 characters and allow for adding a new column to the report. This work does not cover adding a new filter to the report, as that fix would require substantial changes to reporting logic.

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