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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D72141 · Issue 542663

Approved flow rule image unlocked

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

When the Approval Required check box was enabled for rulesets (i.e another person with access to this work queue should approve changes to the rules), a rule which was approved was unlocked and moved back to the original ruleset as expected, but the binary image associated with the flow rule remained locked and any other user other than the one who previously checked in the rule was denied access with a "check out failed" error. This locking error has been resolved by modifying the Rule-Obj-Flow!CleanUp activity to set Param.IgnoreInstanceLockedBy = true.

SR-D71977 · Issue 535602

Obj-Browse will retrieve more than 50 records

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

After performing multiple skims, a newly added property was not retrieved when an Obj-Browse was performed. In Obj-Browse action, when a class is mapped to an external table and does not contain BLOB column pzpvstream, in a specific case where pxObjClass value is a reference to a parameter, a list of properties mapped to the class explicitly by querying pr4_rule_property table using NativeSQL is fetched. This call by default returns only 50 records: in cases where there are more than 50 properties for an external class, some of the properties from the obj-browse response mapping are therefore missed. To resolve this, the limit of 50 records has been removed from this NativeSQL call.

SR-D65112 · Issue 541149

Added support for imported rules to populate bixreportpage

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

Extract rules were not holding the filter criteria after upgrade while performing save-as (for the first time) of the imported rules from the previous version. Criteria were held when the filters were created in the new version. This was caused by BIX extracts created in earlier releases (7.x) not having bixreportpage included. When an environment was upgraded to 8.x versions, opening an extract required the bixreportpage to be populated with RD metadata including the filters defined in the actual extract. Although the filters from the original extract were converted to filters that are acceptable by ReportDefinition, they were not being added to bixreportpage on opening the extract. To resolve this, the system has been updated to copy the filters back to bixreportpage on opening the extract in the upgraded environment.

SR-D76150 · Issue 539454

Logging updated for EmailListener and Data-Agent queue items

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

In order to avoid the pr_sys_queue_ftsindexer table being overwhelmed with Data-Admin-Connect-EmailListener and Data-Agent-Queue instances for queued items, the Data-Admin-Connect-EmailListener and Data-Agent-Queue class definitions have been modified to filter queue items to incremental indexing if updates are from system and instance type is data- .

SR-D66986 · Issue 539414

BIX command line support improved

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

Post-upgrade, it was seen that changes to the engine which validate that Data-Admin-DB-Name is not defined multiple times caused the BIX command line extracts to no longer work the same way. In order to improve backwards compatibility, updates have been made to loosen the validation in JdbcConfigurationFactory to always prefer prconfig settings if there are multiple definitions.

SR-D70890 · Issue 542871

Enhanced diagnostic logging for automatic search re-index

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

To better analyze an out of memory error, enhanced diagnostic logging has been enabled for the below classes to get more information regarding re-index triggered automatically after search index is complete. PegaSearch.SearchManager.SearchInitlizationUtils PegaSearch.SearchManager.BuildIndicesTask Rule_Obj_Activity.pzLPFTSManagerRunBuildIndex.Pega_Search_Manager.Action PegaSearch.Indexer.AbstractIndexer

SR-D61971 · Issue 529608

Search Landing Page handling added for email addresses containing hyphens

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

When an e-mail addresse containing a hyphen was entered for the Automated Search Alert functionality, the validation error "Please Enter Valid Email Address(s)" appeared. For example, [email protected] was not accepted. To resolve this, the regexp function used for the email validator has been updated.

SR-D61199 · Issue 533479

Support expanded for postgres versions and logging improved

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

While trying to import data into the Data Type Tables using a CSV file and selecting the 'Add or Update' option, an error appeared and the import failed. Using 'Add or Delete' worked as expected. This was traced to the import of data failing for postgres version 10.x because UseMerge for postgres did not use merge if the version of Postgres was not 9. Support has now been added for versions of Postgres higher than 9 in SQLGeneratorPostgres.useMerge(), and logging has been enhanced to improve triaging issues such as this.

SR-D90367 · Issue 556687

Cleanup enhanced for long pyEditElement names

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

A pyEditElement error relating to decision data was seen multiple times in a stack trace. Research showed that while the utility worked as expected for decision data rules with names of less than 30 characters, the pyEditElement section was truncated the name for the decision data. This meant that decision data with the name SampleIssueandSampleGroupTwosalkdjkightntbmkblffvfvfv would be saved as SampleIssueandSampleGroupT for the pyEditElement section. Because of this, the utility failed the match and did not clean up the pyEditElement section. To resolve this, the cleanup utility has been updated to handle pyEditElement sections of decision data with longer names. Additional logging has also been added to improve debugging.

SR-D71621 · Issue 533296

Real time processing picks up correct datetime for Capture Response records

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

A Realtime Data flow for the Capture Response flow was configured with a strategy shape set to load previous decisions within the past 7 days. Once this Realtime DF was started, attempting to Capture Response for decisions made after that startup timepoint did not work. This was traced to the InteractionID being written with global properties for the datetimes, and has been resolved by making those datetime properties local so the start and end time are not cached and the time range is calculated based on "now”.

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