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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-139086 · Issue 597144

"Show next error" correctly displayed on user portal

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

In the Case Worker user portal, the Show Next Error link was not shown when the layout group had a validate rule in the flow action. The same configuration worked as expected in Case Manager. This was a missed use case, and has been resolved.

INC-139790 · Issue 607416

Tenant Switching updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

When working on new “tenant switching” implementations in a multi-tenant environment, the API itself seemed to be working as expected (case details from another tenant were shown correctly in review mode), but clicking on the assignment unexpectedly opened the case in a new window that contained the same review view of the case rather than the perform view. Clicking the assignment link again caused yet another review window to open with the same issue, over and over. This has been resolved by adding a UI-side update to send the requests on proper sub-domain URL instead of using the parent domain, and by ensuring the document threads are properly deleted for multitenant usecases.

INC-139966 · Issue 606844

JAWS announces popup error message

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

When a form is submitted without giving value to required field, a browser pop up appears. The expected behavior is that the screen reader (JAWS) should move the focus to the field that has error and read the error message However, JAWS was not announcing the error "Value cannot be blank". This was traced to a scenario where if pega.u.d.fieldErrorType === "ERRORTEXT" is true, the class on the span within the error div will be set to "inputSpans", and this resulted in the return of an empty array for document.querySelectorAll("span.iconError.dynamic-icon-error"). To resolve this, support has been added for the "inputSpans" class.

INC-141302 · Issue 614993

UI automation script documentation update

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

To provide a more consistent experience, explanatory comments in the code for UI automation scripts have been removed.

INC-141387 · Issue 612826

Autocomplete/autopopulate in table works properly with keyboard

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

When two autocompletes in a table (two separate columns) were sourced by different properties within the same data-page, clicking to select a “reason-code” in the first autocomplete column correctly populated the corresponding “reason description” in the second column autocomplete. However, when using configured keyboard presses on the auto complete with post value and data transform actions (enter-key, tab-key, and on change), selecting from the auto-complete list and pressing enter or tab to select the item populated the second column as expected but the first column auto-complete showed the selected code for a moment and then was cleared. This as traced to the associated property set value executing after all associated properties setvalue actions were completed, and has been resolved.

INC-141451 · Issue 601141

Radio button helper text is localized

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

The localized value from content was not being served for helper text in a radio button group. This has been resolved by adding the necessary localization support to the button template.

INC-142066 · Issue 600046

Dirty confirmation alert added for standalone Ajax container

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

In the Pega CS interaction portal, an interaction could be launched to create a service in the Ajax container. If the same service was opened from the search results or the worklist, however, it was not prompted with the dirty popup message to save or discard the changes. This was a missed use case for a standalone Ajax Container, and has been resolved by adding a check to evaluate whether the document has an Ajax Container so the proper dirty state handling will be called.

INC-142214 · Issue 601790

Null Checks added for Null Dereference

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

Null checks have been added to CSSAsJson and to the activeValue variable, which is used for the checked attribute generation.

INC-142557 · Issue 600532

Accessibility added to Recents

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

Under all recent items, the work object was not opened when using the keyboard and the focus was on the work object. Clicking with the mouse worked. Investigation showed that on pressing the enter key, actions were not triggered because the action string was not on the same SPAN tag (but in child node). This has been resolved with an update to add tabindex on the same span where action-string is added. In addition, accessibility was not enabled on the out-of-the-box Recents table because the work object elements in the table used a formatted text control; this has been updated to use a link control which will enable the accessibility feature while using keyboard navigation.

INC-142557 · Issue 600529

Accessibility added to Recents

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

Under all recent items, the work object was not opened when using the keyboard and the focus was on the work object. Clicking with the mouse worked. Investigation showed that on pressing the enter key, actions were not triggered because the action string was not on the same SPAN tag (but in child node). This has been resolved with an update to add tabindex on the same span where action-string is added. In addition, accessibility was not enabled on the out-of-the-box Recents table because the work object elements in the table used a formatted text control; this has been updated to use a link control which will enable the accessibility feature while using keyboard navigation.

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