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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-142564 · Issue 598698

Resolved issue with opening case in review mode

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

After upgrade, using the Open in Review button from the Dashboard to view a case that the user did not have work entitlements on opened the case as expected, but the screen then immediately refreshed and redirected to the home screen. This was traced to the button configuration having an incorrect action set, with cancel action and then OpenWorkByHandle, and h as been resolved by updating the open in review button to remove the cancel action.

INC-143310 · Issue 601206

Added scrolling for fixed size modal with buttons offscreen

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

After upgrade, the modal format "Large Fixed" for the Modal Dialog in a local action was not working as expected when the screen was reduced in size. It as not possible to scroll down the modal dialog, and the "cancel" and "submit" buttons were no longer available. In standard modal, the cancel and submit buttons are always shown in the view port. When the modal is fixed format, the width and height of the modal are set to a fixed size. In that case, if the window is resized it is not possible to navigate to cancel and submit buttons that are offscreen. To resolve this, scroll has been added to allow accessing the cancel and submit buttons in case of fixed size modal that does not fit the window.

INC-143363 · Issue 604365

Added handling for maintaining on-change event descriptor

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

The multiselect control was not reliably posting the values to the configured page list property if the change actions were performed very quickly. Multiselect calls triggerCustomEvents, which handles the schedule for an event: when change actions are entered in a paced way they are not added to a queue, but when performing on-change very fast events are added to a queue and processed later. In this case, the queuing caused the correct event descriptor to be lost because the original event flows were not followed. This has been resolved by adding custom handling which will maintain the event descriptor.

INC-143531 · Issue 598645

Dirty Flag reset updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

After opening a case in Cosmos, making updates, and then navigating away without saving, the dirty flag message appeared as expected and offered the option to save, discard, or cancel. After clicking on save and opening the next case, performing the same steps did not cause the dirty flag to display when navigating away. This has been resolved by updating the reset of the isDirtyDialogOpen inside the hide API of a modal close.

INC-143599 · Issue 598772

Non-template RDL time value handling updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

The Time value displayed on clipboard and data designer differed from the value shown on user work form when using a categorized repeating dynamic layer rendered in non-template mode with the Datetime control configured inside the RDL. This was traced to the Time string being considered as a date when using this configuration and calling the engine API, and has been resolved by ensuring this configuration will call the correct Time API instead so that the timeofday property value will be formatted correctly.

INC-144301 · Issue 604408

Revised character escaping for Tooltip

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

Hover text/Tooltip on the Collapsible layout was showing the content in ASCII format if the input string contained special characters like "&" (which was getting printed as "&"). This has been resolved by unescaping the title string and letting handlebars do the work of escaping it.

INC-144399 · Issue 599716

Custom dropdown controls updated for classnames

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

After upgrade, a customized format for Dropdowns was not picked up. This was due to recent changes made to Class name attributes to ensure they are populated for all controls, and was caused by the CSS selector not picking the necessary DOM element. This has been resolved.

INC-144462 · Issue 601370

Added logoff check for requestors

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

After upgrade, the error "java.lang.InterruptedException. Requester has been destroyed" was appearing in the logs. Investigation showed this was related to unregister requests being submitted after logoff, and has been resolved by updating the system to check for logout before sending unregister requests.

INC-144522 · Issue 612322

Portal primarythread copied to workprocessing thread to establish proper class

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

Attempting to add a new item/row in a table configured in a modal dialog in the home page of the Cosmos portal was not working, and the error "Section 'TestSection' execution error on page 'pyWorkPage' of class 'CosmosApp-Work-TestCaseType'. : For input string: "" appeared. This was a missed use case for pyPortalHarness, and was caused by the primarypage not getting copied to the workprocessing thread which led to some actions failing as classless. This has been resolved.

INC-144543 · Issue 600086

Keyboard accessibility added to Cosmos buttons

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

Focus states were missing on the standard and icon buttons in Cosmos. These have been added to facilitate keyboard navigation.

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