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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-148375 · Issue 607798

"Today" will set date-time in the respective operator timezone

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

When a Date was entered using the "Today" option in Datetime control, the Date set used the system date and Time was taken from Timezone specified for the operator. This created issues for a scenario such as operator being set to America/New_York/ EST while the application was accessed in another country such as India or Japan. This was a missed use case and has been resolved by adding code to get the date-time in the respective operator timezone and setting it on click of date-time controls.

INC-148552 · Issue 607369

Added ability to disable dirty form browser alerts

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

In order to add support for those who do not want to see a browser alert pop-up when cancelling a work item after making changes but do want the out-of-the-box Dirty popup to be displayed, an update has been made to add a configurable flag. If pega.u.d.bUseNativeDirtyConfirm is set to false, only Pega dirty dialogs will be shown. Setting it to true will show the Pega dirty dialog or else the browser dirty dialog for an event object.

INC-149953 · Issue 613727

Increased specificity for collapsed DL

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

When using the collapsible header functionality of a container skin format, the styling was not being applied correctly to the header. This has been resolved by increasing the specificity for a collapsed dynamic layer.

INC-150188 · Issue 613653

Dirty dialog flag reset added for custom modals

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

When a discard button in a custom Cosmos modal dirty dialog was clicked, pega.u.d.isDirtyDialogOpen was not reset to false. This caused the modal dialog to not be shown the next time. This has been resolved by modifying pzpega_ui_doc_dirtyhandling to support this dirty handling discard use case.

INC-150222 · Issue 612576

Custom client-side future date validation works on mobile

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

After developing a custom client side validation based on documented examples that used jquery to locate two input fields (date pickers) and added an on-change function, the validation worked as expected on the desktop but gave a validation error for any future date when using the mobile app or browser. This was an issue with the name attribute handling on mobile, and has been resolved.

INC-150407 · Issue 605842

Validation error messages correctly cleared in nested markup

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

A UI Freeze issue was seen whenever mandatory input was missed and the form was submitted. Continuing was possible after browser refresh, but a new Next>> button appeared. This was an unintended side effect of work done to correctly clear validation messages when areas had captions, and has been resolved by modifying that work so it performs as expected on nested markup.

INC-150472 · Issue 607394

Sorting works after selecting a view on GRID

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

After configuring an optimized table with personalized view, saving a view and toggling to the new view, the sorting on the grid did not work anymore. Returning to the default view did not fix the problem, but sorting was reenabled after a browser refresh. This was traced to duplicate removeinstance calls of the grid which deleted the click event listeners for sort, and has been resolved.

INC-150555 · Issue 620542

isDCSPA flag added to ensure correct harness after reload

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

When moving from a Process Flow to a Screenflow configured with tabbedscreenflow7, the first reload caused a switch to a Perform Harness that resulted in the error "Unable to open an instance using the given inputs", and footer buttons disappeared until multiple refreshes were done. This was an issue specific to the environment configuration at the site, but to avoid future issues a code update has been made that will add the isDCSPA flag if the value is not present in the parameter page.

INC-150872 · Issue 613079

JAWS reads the tab name and the close icon details seperately

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

By default, all currently opened Work Objects Close icons have the label "Close Tab", but when moving across tabs while using the JAWS screen reader, reaching a work object tab caused JAWS to read the entire tab header as "S-123 close tab". In order to improve accessibility, aria-labels will be added while setting label to the tab so the header and close icon will be read separately.

INC-150875 · Issue 610717

Date field filtering changes maintained after logoff/login

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

After hiding some date/time columns and logging off, when logging in again the filter overlay on the date/time columns were displayed differently. Initially the filter values were shown with the check boxes and a 'Choose Date' range drop down, but after the logoff and login search text was shown instead of the choose date range drop down. Investigation showed that the Datatype was not being captured correctly as part of ConstructGridHeaderMetaData function in file, which affected Date, DateTime, Integer & Decimal. This has been corrected.

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