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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-153783 · Issue 612992

Cross site scripting protection update

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

Cross site scripting protections have been updated for labels.

INC-154205 · Issue 618737

Corrected wrap text for Cosmos radio buttons

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

When using Cosmos, radio buttons with large labels were displayed with the text overlapping even when wrap text was enabled and the radio button placement was incorrect. This was traced to a height of 32px being set as the default, overriding the wrap text setting, and has been resolved by adding CSS to set the height as auto when wrap text on radio label is used.

INC-154564 · Issue 617347

JAWS reads the table header and filter options separately

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

When table headers for a non-optimized table with filter options received focus in Google Chrome, JAWS read the header, sort and filter options all run together. This was due to a difference in the way JAWS reads headers in Google Chrome from the way it reads them in Microsoft Internet Explorer, and has been resolved.

INC-154680 · Issue 619029

Moment time zone library update

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

In order to reflect updates such as Brazil discontinuing DST time, the moment time zone libraries have been updated to the latest available version.

INC-154754 · Issue 629907

Check added for portal when performing local actions

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

When using an Interaction case with a service case, performing any local action on this service case and then creating a new service case resulted in the I-related properties like CAParentID and CurrentInteractionID taking the pyID of the previous Service case where the local action was performed. This was caused by the parentKey value not being updated correctly in redux state whenever a local action was opened in a service case in a particular portal, and has been resolved by modifying the pzpega_ui_redux_reducers file to update 'parentKey' only in case of a DC SPA portal.

INC-154824 · Issue 620923

Check added for hidden field during validation

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

When using custom validation for a future date, after certain steps the message "value cannot be blank" was displayed even though there was a value in the date control. This was traced to the validation also being performed on a hidden field, and has been resolved by adding a condition in pega_validators to check for hidden fields when running the validation.

INC-154855 · Issue 616001

Updated expression handling when not using client side validation

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

After upgrade, a declare expression used to calculate the end date when creating a schedule case was not populating the result. This was traced to a missed use case for evaluating expressions when 'Enable client side validation' is unchecked, and has been resolved.

INC-154860 · Issue 626099

Corrected extra space from harness child elements

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

After upgrade from v7 to v8, extra space was seen at the bottom of harness content. This was caused by the header and footer heights being included two times while calculating mashup height, and has been resolved by updating the postMashupHeight method to skip including the header and footer height while iterating child elements for harness-content-workarea-view.

INC-154977 · Issue 622804

Added hidden field validation for offline app

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

An enhancement has been added to handle the usecase of offline apps needing to validate hidden fields. This will be handled through the new flag "pega.u.d.validateHiddenFieldsInOffline".

INC-155319 · Issue 616477

Action Set Dialog features displayed correctly in App Studio Design with Mozilla Firefox

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

When using the App Studio Design mode to edit controls and elements within section at runtime (Open Case Type in App Studio -> Save and run) and selecting a control in Design mode that has any action set configured on it, upon opening the action set clicking the “Add an action” link element the dialog box which appeared cut off. This was traced to an issue where Overlay was not flipped in Mozilla Firefox v83.0 when the client.right value exceeded the main container width, and has been resolved by adding a condition for Firefox to use the correct client.right value as per the main container.

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