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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-148944 · Issue 604102

Email Listener auto-reply evaluation updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

After upgrade, messages were being read but not getting processed for a specific Email listener (RCEmailListerner). The error "Email flagged as an autoreply email and will not be processed" appeared in the logs. Previously, an email was not considered to be an auto-reply only when the 'auto-submitted' header didn't exist or existed with value 'no'. This caused issues with auto-forward or auto-redirect emails where 'auto-submitted:auto-generated' could be in the header. Due to this, email was marked as auto-reply and email listener stopped processing it. To resolve this, the system has been modified to mark the message as auto-reply if it finds 'auto-submitted: auto-replied' in the header, but not 'auto-submitted:auto-generated'.

INC-149370 · Issue 619990

Logging for MultiNodeSynchronize lock attempts changed from error to warn

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

The File Listener was logging numerous errors stating "Unable to establish MultiNodeSynchronize lock while trying to determine if listener is enabled for this node". Handling has been previously established for error cases when the Listener is unable to establish a MultiNodeSynchronize lock, but this condition continued to be logged as an error even though it was not related to any failures in functionality. To resolve the logging issue, the logger level has been changed from ERROR to WARN.

INC-149375 · Issue 607831

Adjusted email listener behavior for authentication failures

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

After upgrade, email listeners were not staying up during connection outages. This was traced to the handling of authentication failures when trying to reconnect, and has been resolved by changing the disconnected listener state to sleeping and raising an alert for authentication failures.

INC-149517 · Issue 609475

Secure access for Activities

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

Authentication requirements have been added to Standard activities.

INC-150038 · Issue 614828

Data Type local data storage snapshot history updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

When a History Class Data object was created, two snapshots were made - one with value and another with no value. This was traced to a 'when' condition that evaluated whether to add history when deleting a record from records editor, and this issue has been addressed by removing the condition as the history-add step takes care of checking if there is a dedicated table or not.

INC-150151 · Issue 613412

Stream REST endpoint CORS support added

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

CORS support has been added to the Stream REST endpoint. If a request contains an "Origin" header, the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header with the origin value (* will be added to the response for Stream tier (/stream/view & /stream/click) calls.

INC-150633 · Issue 614512

Optimizing helper class enhanced to handle external databases

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

Running a BIX extract that included a manifest for a target database was resulting in a null pointer exception for the manifest extraction. Attempting to generate the DDL for the manifest table also failed. This was traced to an issue with the helper class using a hardcoded default database for forming the queries, causing it to ignore the database config/DADN/prconfig for the Oracle database and form a query using the PegaRules' database credentials. This only occurred when trying to do external database operations on a different database platform; Oracle PegaRules worked as expected with an Oracle external database and Postgres Pegarules worked with a Postgres external database, but mixing Postgres PegaRules and an Oracle external database would result in the Null pointer exception. To resolve this, the helper class has been enhanced to work with external databases by passing the database name as a parameter so it will properly calculate the query based on the type of target. An error in the name of the class has also been corrected, and is now available as PerformanceHelper rather than the previous "PerformaneHelper".

INC-150704 · Issue 613439

Azure Repository connection updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

Attempting to connect to Azure blob storage using SDK v8.6.4. SDK was not working. Investigation showed that the x-ms-version:2013-08-15 was set by default; the issue has been resolved by setting the x-ms-version to 2018-03-28, and Pega will be working with Microsoft support to understand what has changed at the Azure Storage end that introduced the issue.

INC-150809 · Issue 611855

Loading timing updated for openAPI content

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

Open API content loading was taking too much time and interfering with working on other REST rule configurations. To resolve this, the loading of openAPI contents has been removed from the opening or saving of REST rule and shifted to lazy loading. Clicking on the openAPI tab will load the contents, and any modification in REST rule or service package rule will update the contents of openAPI when "Action->Refresh" is clicked.

INC-150861 · Issue 611864

Optimizing helper class enhanced to handle external databases

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4

Running a BIX extract that included a manifest for a target database was resulting in a null pointer exception for the manifest extraction. Attempting to generate the DDL for the manifest table also failed. This was traced to an issue with the helper class using a hardcoded default database for forming the queries, causing it to ignore the database config/DADN/prconfig for the Oracle database and form a query using the PegaRules' database credentials. This only occurred when trying to do external database operations on a different database platform; Oracle PegaRules worked as expected with an Oracle external database and Postgres Pegarules worked with a Postgres external database, but mixing Postgres PegaRules and an Oracle external database would result in the Null pointer exception. To resolve this, the helper class has been enhanced to work with external databases by passing the database name as a parameter so it will properly calculate the query based on the type of target. An error in the name of the class has also been corrected, and is now available as PerformanceHelper rather than the previous "PerformaneHelper".

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