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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-152800 · Issue 611750

Reports filtering made accessible

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

In order to ensure accessibility, titles and helper texts have been added to the text fields and checkboxes that appear in the Edit Filter non-modal window after a 'Filtered By' value is selected on the My Reports page.

INC-153692 · Issue 620244

Added accessibility to Report view context menu

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

When on the My Reports screen and a Summary report is selected, the Report Viewer displays a Summarized Reports table with a column header that opens a command menu upon right-click of the mouse. This functionality is enabled in the Report Definition rule by selecting the checkbox Enable column command menu under the Report Viewer tab. Although keyboard users can open the menu via Shift+F10, keyboard users who cannot see the screen were not informed that this functionality is available as the screen reader did not announce this. This has been resolved.

INC-157974 · Issue 621965

Summary Report collapsible sections made accessible

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

In order to improve accessibility, the rules 'RRDataSummaryGeneration' and 'pzDisplayGroupNodeVertical' have been updated so the clickable expand icons in summary reports will append the value of the current group when setting the text "Click to expand or collapse". This will allow JAWS to uniquely identify exactly what will be expanded or collapsed.

INC-158874 · Issue 625385

Zero value parameter handling added to Trend Reporting

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

After converting the Summary Views to a Report Definition, the Chart reporting functionality was not working in the Report Definition drill-down reports; whole records present were being fetched instead of only the graph chart count. Investigation showed that one of the parameters in the FilterBy was missing, and that pxSLAAgeTimeliness used 0 instead of null, causing the system to consider all records. This has been resolved by modifying the pega_report_Summary.js file and the pxSLAAgeTimeliness FunctionAlias to handle the 0 value and ensure all parameters are present.

INC-159399 · Issue 626768

Report styles color contrast enhanced for accessibility

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

In order to improve accessibility, pzReportBrowserStyles has been updated to change the report creation info color to #00000 to enhance the contrast.

INC-160825 · Issue 629370

Search landing page performance improved

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

Performance improvements have been made for the Pega Platform search landing page by implementing timeouts for all requests to ElasticSearch when executing PegaIndexAdminImpl.getIndicesInfo() and changing all requests for single index to requests for all indexes. In addition, SearchUtils.areDummyDocumentsPresent() has been modified to get all 'dummy documents' in case there are duplicate dummy documents in the ElasticSearch indexes.

INC-150317 · Issue 625883

Certificate updates handled across nodes

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

An SSL handshake exception was occurring when running a Connect-REST call automatically from the flow as a background process on a background processing node. The same Connect-REST worked fine when run manually. The exception detailed the issue as "SSLHandshakeException: None of the TrustManagers allowed for trust of the SSL certificate(s) provided by the remote server to which this client attempted a connection." This was traced to a pulse change scenario where the reloading of the certificates was not happening on all the nodes after adding a new certificate or deleting a certificate. This has ben resolved by adding the DATA-ADMIN-SECURITY-CERTIFICATE class into the class.

INC-153957 · Issue 615290

Cache key handling updated for OAuth2 Connect-REST

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

After upgrade, a Connect-REST using OAuth2 credentials was failing with HTTP response code 403 when the Connect-REST was invoked by the agent, but the Connect-REST was successfully invoked from web node with the same Auth profile. OAuth2 tokens are stored in the cache and database. In this specific environment the key formation was happening differently on the utility node for batch processes, causing different keys to be formed for the same token. This has been resolved by adding a provider filter and updating the cache key.

INC-154311 · Issue 615684

Decryption updated for External assignment routed with DWA

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

When an external assignment was routed to a user using DWA, the user was able to access the assignment but received the error "There has been an issue; please consult your system administrator" when submitting. Investigation showed this was caused by the system attempting to decrypt the External assignment with the requestor level key, causing the decryption to fail with a NumberFormatException. To resolve this, the system will check if the obfuscated string starts with Global encryption key prefix and then decrypt with the global encryption key by trimming out the prefix.

INC-154627 · Issue 619571

Re-enabled users are able to log in

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

When disabled operators were re-enabled through operator management, the forced password change on next login was manually unchecked but the operators were unable to login because the change password screen was displayed without any password entry fields. This was a missed use case for handling the change password flag on a requestor , and has been resolved by having the system skip setting the change password on next login flag for disabled users.

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