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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-160500 · Issue 627268

Cosmos App Studio icons have helper text

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

Enhancements have been made for accessibility by adding Helper text to icons in the Cosmos theme for App Studio.

INC-161430 · Issue 627721

Accessibility Component/Widget role added to pyCaseErrorSection

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

Page level errors were not accessible due to the error section being wrapped inside a dynamic layout whose contents were not readable. This has been resolved by updating dynamic layouts to use the correct accessibility roles.

INC-162692 · Issue 629637

Added primary portal navigation role

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

While in the User portal, Accessibility inspector displayed the warning "Primary Portal navigation may be missing a navigation role." This role has now been added to pzPortalNavigation.

SR-D82148 · Issue 547576

Localization improved for ToolTips

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

Attempting to use the Field value to localize the tooltip for Hour and Minute resulted in the time being displayed as "tooltip: Hour". Support has been added for localizing these fields using pyTooltip. In addition, an issue with the tooltip still being displayed after switching helper text to None and saving (without manually clearing the existing text) has been resolved with an update that will clear the tooltip value when helper text is selected as 'None'.

SR-69015 · Issue 619995

Unescaping characters implemented for expressions

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.6, Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.4, Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3, Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

An issue where expression builder statements were evaluated differently at runtime than at testing has been resolved. Pega Platform expressions with String literals(that is, sequences of characters enclosed in quotation marks) now unescape characters in strategy shapes such as Set Property or Filter.

INC-147457 · Issue 621708

Elapsed time in Work History Table includes sub-flow

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

Elapsed times were not captured when an assignment was in a wait shape followed by a utility which set a ticket and moved the assignment to a sub-flow. Investigation showed that when flow execution is in a sub-flow and a ticket is raised, the assignment in sub-flow was removed but audit history was not captured. To handle this scenario, the functions pzCleanSplitForTicket and pzRemoveFlowForTicket have been added, and FlowMethodBody FUA has been modified to include pzCleanSplitForTicket instead of CleanSplit.

INC-149213 · Issue 608519

Email attachments properly displayed in mobile browsers

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

When attempting to use any mobile browser to open the email attachment of a work object, a blank HTML page appeared before the email attachment was shown. The blank page did not appear if the mobile browser was set to use "Desktop mode" or "PC mode". This has been resolved by updating the BAC registration method so that correspondence attachments are properly opened in all mobile browsers and HC apps for all channel types. An additional issue of a blank window appearing on IOS devices that was caused by correspondence attachments opening in a new window instead of opening in the current window has also been corrected.

INC-153801 · Issue 625945

Modified handling for updating SLA on Bulk Agent items

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

While transferring SLA-configured assignments to the work basket using the Bulk Agent in background processing, the assignment handle of the SLA item was not getting updated to the work basket assignment handle. The error "duplicate key value violates unique constraint" was logged. This was due to the system not being able to dequeue the SLA item while it was locked by the Queue Manager as part of the background bulk processing, preventing the assignment handle from being updated on the SLA item. To resolve this, the system will perform a direct database open of the SLA item so the assignment handle is updated.

INC-154778 · Issue 620905

Bulk actions filtering works in Spanish locale

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

Filtering by only case type did not return any results when using the Bulk Transfer functionality with the Spanish locale. Investigation showed that the filter value case type had a field value set, but the localized value was not being checked in the pzPostFilterOperation in step 1 'when' condition. This has been resolved.

INC-159334 · Issue 626762

Handling added for custom attachment method

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

When sending a correspondence using the standard SendSimpleEmail activity, choosing only one attachment from the multiple attachments in the work object by passing the pxLinkedRefTo property from the clipboard page to the AttachmentKeysToSend parameter instead of passing the value to the AttachmentCategoriesToSend parameter successfully sent the message and attached it to the work object. However, opening the correspondence attached to the work object showed the attached file as blank even though the attachment was present in the receiver’s email. Research showed that during the comparison of keys in place of pxLinkedRefTo, pzinskey was used. This caused the comparison to not register as true and the attachments display was skipped. This has been resolved by updating the Data-Corr-Email.Show Html rule to use the pxLinkedRefTo field to find the right attachment. The URL encryption was also updated to ensure the links are functional and attachments can be downloaded.

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