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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-157119 · Issue 621745

Rule-Message instances added for guardrail warnings

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

Log errors were seen when saving a rule in Dev Studio that generated a guardrail warning from the pzValidateFieldValueReference function. This was related to work done when the function "addwarning" was deprecated in favor of pxAddGuardrailMessage, and has been resolved by adding Rule-Message instances for pxFieldValueMaxLength, pxFieldValueConsecutiveSpaces, and pxFieldValueQuotesNotAllowed.

INC-157353 · Issue 624011

Handling added for autoclose of assignment in tabbed MDC

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

After configuring an Ajax container in a section using tabs and max doc defined as 8 with 'doClose' set after processing has been completed, finishing the assignment caused the work item tab to stop working. Checking the console showed a script error was being thrown. Investigation showed that when the doClose action was triggered and tried to find the activeTabs in MDC, the target element being fired was null. This has been resolved by adding a condition for the doClose to handle the combination of autoclose and tabbed MDC that will close the current Ajax container div before proceeding.

INC-157699 · Issue 624596

Customer 360 Tabs load in Firefox browser

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

After upgrade from v8.1 to v8.4, the layout group's tab content was not loading as expected in the customer 360 view when using the Firefox browser. Investigation showed this was due to the �role� attribute being removed from the header div by the on-hover showSmart tip action configured on the dynamic layout tabs. This has been resolved by updating the system to use data-role along with the role tab.

INC-157737 · Issue 625691

Added ability to support multiple domains for users

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

Previously, the DSS setting MultiTenant/CrossTenant/DomainName supported just a single domain. In order to support multiple domains for internal and external users, an enhancement has been added to pzSetCrossTenantDomain which will allow reading the domain value from pxRequestor.pxReqServer instead of from the DSS setting.

INC-157795 · Issue 624672

DateTime dropdown control will retain entry on validation error

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

For a Date Time control with display mode as dropdownlist, choosing just a month or a day from the dropdown and refreshing the section resulted in an invalid date validation and the field being set to the current date. Choosing the date from the calendar icon or filling in all three drop downs worked as expected. This has been resolved by updating the datetime control so that if a dropdown mode with property as type DATE has a validation error on refresh action, the user-entered data will show in the dropdown instead of the current date/time.

INC-157957 · Issue 624208

Autocomplete correctly sets null values in clipboard

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

When using an autocomplete control with display configuration "In a List", if a property value was null then the value of the property in the clipboard was set as �undefined�. This was due to the pzGetACData activity returning only properties with values and excluding empty properties, causing setProperty to use "undefined" when a property value was not found in the response. To resolve this, a condition has been added to the processAdditionalProperties method to replace an undefined value with an empty string.

INC-158605 · Issue 628573

Improved performance for Repeat grid display

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

After upgrade from Pega v7.2 to Pega v8.4, the Repeat grid was taking significantly longer to display the results. This was traced to changes made relating to BAC security that resulted in pzGridOpenAction trying to open each record to find the relevant pzInsHandle. Because this call is not actually required for Data- items, an update has been made to avoid this and improve performance.

INC-159329 · Issue 627339

Dirty Check Warnings added for decimal fields

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

Dirty Check Warnings have now been added for decimal fields by adding the required logic to the isContainerDirty API in pzpega_ui_doc_dirtyhandling js file.

INC-160102 · Issue 627687

Updated resource file paths for mobile images

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

After upgrade, a resource missing error was shown on the mobile UI when accessing a section in an offline mobile app. This was traced to the CSS file having an incorrect path to the 'requiredstar' gif file and has been resolved by updating pzbase-form-level-elements to use webwb instead of an images path

INC-160497 · Issue 627715

Able to add missing headers from App Studio

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.3

A missing header in pyActionArea and pyActionAreaheader could not be added from App Studio. This was due to the sections not being built using design templates, and has been resolved by updating the section to be editable in runtime.

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