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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-163544 · Issue 639299

Accessibility corrected for Cosmos user portal left navigation panel

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.1

It was not possible to see the focused control label in the left pane of the Cosmos user portal because it was not expanding when its control received focus from tabbing. Investigation showed the class acting as a polyfill for :focus-within was applied only on the observed element when using Microsoft Explorer 11, and this has been resolved by updating the CSS selectors and ensuring the class is applied to every parent element down the DOM tree.

INC-163644 · Issue 652967

Error message handling added for nested page lists

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.1

When a multiselect referring pagelist(x).pagelist2() had an error message, the error was repeated for all pagelist(y).pagelist2() in the UI. This has been resolved by adding error handling for nested page lists by using registerErrorMessages for multiselect errors.

INC-163702 · Issue 634968

Path to image resource files updated for offline app

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.1

When using the offline app, "resource missing " errors were seen for some image files. This has been resolved by overriding the images folder path in the userworkform with the correct path to the webwb folder.

INC-164012 · Issue 640038

Source edit with formatting resumes process automatically

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.1

When opening a paragraph rule and clicking on Actions > checkout out to branch, the rule refreshed and the modal never appeared to allow the selection of a branch on the current application. This was an inadvertent side effect of work done to resume the event queue if it was paused when applying styles, and has been resolved by modifying the work so it resumes the action sequence only when source mode is initialized in the Rich Text Editor.

INC-164620 · Issue 640661

jQuery variable handling updated for mashup

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.1

After update, embedded mashup was not working. The browser console log showed the error "Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function at pega.web.manager._initGadgets (PegaReg?pyActivity=pzIncludeMashupScripts:69)". The $ function belongs to the jQuery library, and investigation traced this to a difference in variable handling. This has been corrected by updating the referring jQuery to use the variable 'jQuery' instead of '$'.

INC-164892 · Issue 636539

PDF generation corrected

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.1

Issues with PDF generation have been resolved by upgrading the PD4ML libraries to version 4.0.9fx5.

INC-164979 · Issue 650153

Column values displayed in modify filter of grid

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.1

Column values were not displaying in the modify filter after cancelling the ‘due date apply filter’ condition in grid -Go to My Work -> Work Queue -Apply filter condition for Program and Country/region columns. This was traced to the pysymbolic date value being posted after selecting and before applying the filter, and has been resolved.

INC-165277 · Issue 645171

PDF generation corrected

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.1

Issues with PDF generation have been resolved by upgrading the PD4ML libraries to version 4.0.9fx5.

INC-165964 · Issue 656816

Harness context set for modal dialog on interaction portal

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.1

An AddDelete refresh condition on a page list property was not triggering a ReloadSection as expected. This was a special use case in the interaction portal where a modal dialog was opened but the harness context was not set properly, and has been resolved by ensuring the harness context is correct.

INC-166444 · Issue 642112

FlexModalTemplate Modal window size consistent

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.1

The FlexModalTemplate modal window size was changing on second click. This was a missed use case for dirty dialog CSS implementation, and has been resolved by moving the CSS necessary into the isDirtyDialogOpen if condition.

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