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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-139260 · Issue 592216

Handling added for third party form library

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.8

When using a third party library which created a form tag, the wrong form was used on submit in the Ajax container. This has been resolved by updating the pzpega_ui_doc_submit file submitInner method to handle this use case.

INC-140289 · Issue 589001

Check added to preserve clipboard pages for pop-up

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.8

Many properties were missing in the clipboard after launching an ImageViewer. This was traced to the clipboard pages being deleted in the pop-up mode, and has been resolved by adding a check to not delete pages in case of pop-up opened from top navigation case.

INC-142589 · Issue 595492

Corrected tooltip evaluation for multiselect

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.8

After adding help text for a multiselect help icon with overlay on hover field, the value was not being sourced. Changing to a different type of help text or control type worked as expected. This was due to an error in case sensitivity, using pyToolTip when it should have been pyTooltip, and has been corrected.

INC-143260 · Issue 599304

Overlapping columns fixed in ReportViewer

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.8

When Report Viewer was used for Report Definition, displaying it on dashboard columns resulted in columns that overlapped each other. This was traced to a resize issue related to the scrolling checkbox and has been resolved.

INC-147794 · Issue 602702

Entity relation diagrams UI corrected

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.8

After upgrade, attempting to create a campaign showed a blank page. This was traced to the Entity relationship diagram not loading, and has been resolved by adding a safe check.

SR-D91344 · Issue 560624

Resolved PageCannotBeSerializedForPassivationException in logs

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.8

The exception "One or more properties could not be serialized during passivation and have therefore been lost. They will not be available on activation. Please ensure that all property data is Serializable" was observed in the logs. Investigation showed there was an HTML fragment in 'pzGridOpenAction' that was adding non-serializable properties to the clip board. This did not cause a functional issue, but has been resolved by modifying the way the system obtains and reuses the class definition.

SR-D96909 · Issue 558139

Removed extra scroll bar in Multiselect

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.8

An extra scroll bar was appearing when opening the multi-select control case manager portal using the "Results displayed Maximum 500 results to display" setting. This was a result of recent updates to the popover scroll and height that caused on overflow condition. To resolve this, the logic for Multiselect has been updated.

INC-120223 · Issue 565748

Enhancements added to S3 repository implementation

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.8

The following changes have been made to avoid redundant/unnecessary S3 SDK calls to look-up metadata for files/folders related to integrated S3 Repository API implementation:

 - Provided storage/AWSSDK/enableSDKMetrics DASS to enable AWS SDK metrics for S3 repositories system-wide to troubleshoot performance issues
 - Added timers for Pega platform repository APIs. To see these timers in Pega application log, set log level to WARN for the log category pxIntegration.Repository.S3 and set log level to DEBUG for the logger com.amazonaws.latency
 - Optimized FileS3Adapter.getMetadata() by avoiding object-metadata lookup for directories and caching rootpath directory metadata for 5 mins
 - Handled exceptions while uploading file to S3 bucket and convey appropriate error message to RepositoryManager.createFile() API consumer
 - Refined DEBUG logging and introduced new loggers to emit stacktraces
 - Enhanced RepositoryManager.initCache() and  FileStorageManager.registerStorageClasses() to maintain non-overridable repositories (that are initialized based on DASS/DNode settings on node start-up) and to prohibit overriding the same.

INC-139861 · Issue 594006

Cross-site scripting protections added to Case Email

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

Cross-site scripting updates have been added to rules handling linked email correspondence.

INC-147873 · Issue 610865

Custom header character encoding for Subject added

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.5

Case correspondence that contained a Subject with accent characters such as "Invitation à être" was being rejected by MailJet on the basis of encoding issues on the "Thread-Topic" when using custom headers. The error "BAD HEADER SECTION, Non-encoded non-ASCII data (and not UTF-8)" was generated. This was traced to the Send Email Smart Shape handling when using custom headers, and has been resolved by encoding the Subject before appending it to the Thread-topic header while adding custom headers.

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