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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-168779 · Issue 642416

Cassandra default driver upgraded

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

An admin user connection to an external Cassandra server was successful, but all of the ADM nodes were failing with the error "Cannot start service [ADM.Default]. Will retry in 180 seconds. com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: User n_admin has no CREATE permission on or any of its parents". This has been resolved by upgrading the Cassandra default driver version to 3.6.0.

INC-169125 · Issue 642400

Nodes resume correctly after DDS restart

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

A corner case issue in VBD's code for handling a DDS session was preventing the nodes from recovering correctly after a system shutdown. As part of the process for an event which fires if all DDS nodes are taken down or as part of a switch from embedded to external Cassandra, VBD's cache is invalidated and then re-initialized once new VBD API calls are received or on the VBD service pulse. In this case, the invalidation of the cache did not complete due to logic in the VBD code that can lead to executing a Cassandra query that will not work in the case of all DDS nodes being down. This has been resolved by modifying the handling of a session change event to eliminate inadvertent Cassandra queries so the invalidation can complete correctly and continue the re-initialization process.

INC-169544 · Issue 649539

Enhancement for MaxEnt modeling data

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

An enhancement has been added to create output for the model coefficients, the term frequency, and the inverse term frequency for use in maximum entropy modeling. For MRM processes, every Maximum Entropy (Maxent) based topic model will contain two additional stats resources. These resources can be used to validate and replicate running of topic model outside of Pega. The resources are: 1) Term Frequency file – A CSV file with all words used for training and their cumulative frequency across training set. File name format – TRAINING_DATA_TERM_FREQUENCY_< RandomNumber >.csv olumns – Word, Count 2) Coefficient file – A CSV file with all features (words, taxonomy matches and category matches) and model learnt weights for each topic across training set. File name format – MAXENT_COEFFICIENT_VALUE.csv Columns – Feature, < TopicName1 >, < TopicName2 > ,…, < TopicNameK >

INC-170149 · Issue 645724

pzTenantID removed from Revision management classes

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

After upgrade, issues were seen with case types in the case explorer. This was caused by the Revision management work classes created in the 7.1.x version having pzTenantId property in the rule XML when it was not defined anywhere in the 8.x versions, and has been resolved by removing the pzTenantId property from the Revision management classes.

INC-171221 · Issue 645988

Queue Processors made more robust

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

After upgrade, multiple queue processors were not running as expected. Attempting to restart them generated an error. Investigation showed that the real time data flow runs were not picking up or accepting assignments because the local node was under the impression it was still processing data. In this case, the need to synchronize the state of multiple threads caused the queue processors to become stuck in an initializing state due to a race condition that caused the data flow engine to think this run still had threads running when all threads were already stopped. To resolve this, the callback handling has been simplified and made more robust. In addition, in some cases the data flow leader node would believe the service nodes did not accept assignments even when they did. This occurred if many runs and nodes were involved, and was traced to an implicit limit on the NativeSQL query used to read the data to see which assignments were accepted. To resolve this, the key-value store in the Service Registry has been modified to allow a query of more than 500 entries at once.

INC-174933 · Issue 651827

Special characters escaped for use in "is in List" lookups

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

After creating a specific criterion on any proposition using a string property, the "Is In List" operator, and a customer list with one value containing a "$", clicking save or check in resulted in the exception error "Problem invoking function: pega_decisionengine_propositionfilterfua.pzPropositionFilterMethodBody--(PublicAPI,ClipboardPage) java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal group reference at java.util.regex.Matcher.appendReplacement( ". This has been resolved by escaping regular expression control characters in string replacement, which will allow the use of characters such as the $ sign for "is in List" lookups.

INC-162881 · Issue 636993

Decision Table check-in warnings supported for large tables

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

After adding an empty row in the middle of Decision Table rows and checking in, the Decision table rule's CheckIn form shows a functionality warning about a conflict in decision table ("This rule contains 1 logic conflict(s). Click the 'Show Conflicts' button for more details."). However, this behavior did not occur as expected if the decision table had more than 500 cells in it, and has now been resolved.

INC-163970 · Issue 636137

Expression Builder updated for special character handling

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

If a modulo operator (%) was used in expression builder, the expression showed the correct value when it was submitted (closed) but on reopen the expression was changed and not calculated correctly. If the expression was not reopened then it calculated the value properly. This issue was traced to a server call to pzEvaluatePegaExpression which treated certain values as containing special characters, and has been resolved by updating the handling for this scenario.

INC-164002 · Issue 639913

Decision table null input handling updated for backward compatibility

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

After upgrade, any null values as inputs in the decision tables were skipped if "Allow Missing properties" was not checked. This behavior was different from previous versions. In order to improve backward compatibility, the new function pxEvaluateDecisionTable has been added which has an additional parameter to set AllowMissingProperties, and the older function logic has been modified to take the parameter value from the parameter page.

INC-164171 · Issue 635868

Support added for connect-SOAP run in parallel mode

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

When connect-SOAP was configured to use the “run in parallel” mode, application settings derived through a datapage had incorrect values. While running the connect-SOAP through an activity, all the values were derived incorrectly. This has been resolved by adding a synchronization enhancement to support parallel run connect.SOAP.

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