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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-176971 · Issue 655218

Web Mashup works from nested iframe

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

Web Mashup was failing with the error "Browser cookies must be enabled for PRPC Internet Application Composer to function" when it was configured within a nested iframe setup. This has been resolved by adding a cookie check and the appropriate handling for this usecase.

INC-177206 · Issue 655631

Date Time control accepts custom length

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.5

The date time control was ignoring custom length and expanding the field to the layout width. This was an inadvertent side effect of work done around the visibility of the date picker icon for non-templated layouts, and has been resolved by ensuring the date picker will render with a custom width configured in design time.

INC-203994 · Issue 698853

DSS added to handle merges with lower versions of Postgres

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.1

After update, executing the batch campaign with volume constraint resulted in the second data flow DF_Wait failing with error message "ERROR: number of columns (1844) exceeds limit (1664)". This was due to the database set’s change (in 8.5) to use the database layer’s merge statement. Prior to that, the logic used "deletes and inserts". Depending on the version of Postsgres, the generated SQL statement for a merge statement is different. The “INSERT … ON CONFLICT … UPDATE” syntax is generated for Postgres 9.5+ AND when there is a PK constraint defined for the DB table. Otherwise, the complex UPSERT statement (old syntax) is generated, as was the case in this issue. This is a known issue in the Postgres server software where it mis-interprets the number of columns involved. i.e., it mistakenly counts the number of columns twice. As a result, the actual maximum columns allowed is only half of the official limit (1664). The same UPSERT statement does not cause the “exceeds limit” exception if there are 832 or fewer columns in the statement. To resolve this, an option has been provided to select between the “original logic” (deletes and inserts) and the “merge statements” logic by way of the DSS “decision/datasets/db/useMergeStatementForUpdates”. Setting “true” will use the merge statement logic, and setting “false” will use deletes and inserts. When the DSS is not defined, the default is "true" and the system will use merge statements in the form preferred by Postgres 9.5+.

196961 · Issue 693473

Iteration method updated for SetRequiredSkillsCountColumn

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.1

After update, database utilization spiked and did not drop. Investigation traced this to the use of Local.totalCount in pzSetRequiredSkillsCountColumn, which caused the iteration loop to run more times than necessary. This has been resolved by replacing Local.totalCount with Local.iterationsCount in the iteration.

INC-184040 · Issue 688256

Improved accessibility for Disclosable Documents/attach files/auto selection dropdowns

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.1

When using Dragon for accessibility, issues were seen when trying to select different options in the dropdowns related to attaching multiple files. This was caused by the legacy grids being used not supporting this type of accessibility functionality, and has been resolved by updating pzAttachFileDDFileList to use an optimized table instead.

INC-186036 · Issue 685370

Field Level Audit updated to handle hierarchical properties

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.1

Field Audit was not working for the first change of the data selected/provided for a field. The audit was only reflected after the second change was made. When the property involved a series of hierarchies, for example pageprop.pagelist(1).pageprop, the FLA objects will initially use deferred saves and the generated pzinskeys will be added to a savedFLAMap object. However, when the last pageprop was not eligible to save, all the deferred saves of earlier records were cancelled but the inskeys were not removed from the savedFLAMap object. Because of this, the parent FLA records were assumed to have been saved already when those saves were actually deferred. This was a missed use case for hierarchical properties, and has been resolved by adding an update to remove the inskeys from the savedFLAMap object so that in the subsequent property change the audit's FLA records for the parent properties (pageprop.pagelist(1)) will be saved again.

INC-194180 · Issue 701664

GetChildcases handling updated for large numbers of cases

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.1

When a very high number of child cases being processed contained a wait shape that was dependent on the movement of a parent case, some of the cases were moved to the next step of the flow automatically while others required a manual command to ResumeFlow. In extreme cases where many child cases were waiting, a node crash could occur. This was traced to the pzGetChildcases report having a maximum value of 500 lines, and has been resolved by increasing the maximum number of rows to retrieve to 9999 in the Data Access Tab of the pzGetChildCases report definition. In addition, the pxCheckFlowDependencies activity has been modified to perform with a higher number of cases, and DSS(MaxRecords) logic has been added to split the child cases into multiple queue items for each access group to decrease load on each thread process.

INC-198765 · Issue 696686

Public URL will be appended with "/" if it is not present

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.1

When using the Worklink Correspondence Fragment rule with authentication service type "prweb/PRAuth/sso", the returned URL did not contain the needed "/" at the end of public link. The "/" was present when using the legacy authentication service "prweb/sso". This has been resolved by updating the system to include a "/" at the end of a public URL if one is not present.

INC-198807 · Issue 689769

Bulk Transfer Audit displays correct label

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.1

After Bulk Transferring an assignment, the audit showed the flow action rule name instead of the label. This has been addressed by creating a field value for the name 'pyTransferAssignment' and updating the param.actionLabel to refer to the localized value.

INC-200247 · Issue 701955

WorkAttachmentIcon activity correctly registered

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7.1

The pyWorkAttachmentIcon control used to download attachments was generating a SECU0019 warning. This was traced to pzAppStorageOkToAttachFile not being correctly registered, and has been resolved.

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