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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-186654 · Issue 669114

GetStatusChanges performance improvements

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.2

Performance issues were seen when running the GetStatusChanges report. This was traced to the filtering methods used, and has been resolved by updating the report definition and enhancing the filtering conditions.

INC-181091 · Issue 662776

Strategy rules open from proposition filter after update

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.2

After update, strategy rules could not be opened from the proposition filter. This was caused by the pxInsName property being populated only when a strategy rule gets selected/configured from the CB gadget. For upgrade scenarios where the condition is already configured with a strategy rule, the pxInsName property will be missing. To handle this upgrade use case, the "Rule-open-by-keys" action will be used instead of "Rule-open-by-name", as rule keys are always present while pxInsName gets populated for only new configurations.

INC-182248 · Issue 665780

Added logic to handle manual validate rule creation

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.2

Manually creating a Validate rule with conditions and then opening the configure view with conditions caused the validation rule to be removed from the flow action rule along with the validation conditions in the validation rule referred in flowAction rule. This has been resolved by updating the logic in the Condition Builder to handle this use case.

INC-187103 · Issue 671736

Guided Tour working from Actions menu

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.2

After updating from Pega 8.4 to Pega 8.5, "Manage a Guided Tour" was no longer working under a local action when called from the Actions menu on a work object. An unspecified error message appeared in the tracer. Investigation showed there was a null pointer error caused by the menu being invoked on an invalid page, and this was traced to updated authentication requirements: registration at the portal is not reliable as it is thread-scoped and run only once. The thread name is not guaranteed to stay the same so subsequent invocations of the tour activities failed. This has been resolved by modifying the call registration function to handle the security issues related to the generation of the menu path.

INC-175994 · Issue 667481

Removed redundant Microsoft Outlook email interaction chain

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.2

When opening an email interaction case, the email editor user interface area showed the complete email chain of the email for every new message that came in related to the case. This was traced to the difference in the selectors that various email clients use to construct a response to an email with email history in it, and has been resolved by updating the selectors for Microsoft Outlook in pyRichTextEmailHistorySelector so no conversation is repeated when using that client.

INC-176881 · Issue 669701

Resource added to extract email threading code from message body

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.2

In some scenarios the case ID was not being sent in the subject of email replies as expected, and the secure tracking code was part of the email body instead. That caused replies back to the email thread to create a new email interaction case instead of properly threading the new message into the conversation. Investigation traced this to some email clients removing space after the tracking code. To resolve this, an update has been made which will extract the tracking code from email-content html if it is found and otherwise fallback to the email body.

INC-178990 · Issue 664613

Added handling for reloading portal while ChatBot is active

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.2

An issue was seen with UI rendering when a customer tried to reload the portal where the chatbot is deployed. Investigation showed that this was caused by the screen going to pyCreate harness instead of ChatPerform harness due tot he unexpected refresh, and has been resolved by updating the handling for the Chat Work page and the business case so that pyWorkPage is always Work-Channel-Chat.

INC-179888 · Issue 663845

Training data correctly added to model

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.2

Negative training data was not getting added to the entity model. This was traced to logic used to remove consecutive spaces which was incorrectly removing new lines and leading to entity detection of entities such as address line. This logic has now been removed.

INC-184155 · Issue 673074

Entity Detection prefers first detected entity

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.2

Entity detection shown in the "Training data" tab of the email channel did not match with the results of running the corresponding text analyzer rule. This occurred when a single piece of text was detected as multiple entity values, which led to the last entity detected being picked for case mapping because of the unclear scenario of duplicate entities. To resolve this, pxmapresponseentities has been updated to prefer the first detected entity.

INC-184834 · Issue 669457

Channel copy text analyzer detection updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.2

The error message "No unlocked Ruleset versions are available. Please add or unlock a ruleset to create a new channel." was displayed when trying to save a new interface. This was traced to the system copying the channel to incorrect classes/names due to detecting an incorrect type of text analyzer and copying the wrong rules. To resolve this, the method of detecting the text analyzer type on channel copy has been updated.

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