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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-215601 · Issue 721524

Explicit Kerberos renewal added for HDFS

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

When using WebSphere/IBM with Hadoop connectivity, the Kerberos credentials were expiring after 7 days and causing connectivity failures. Investigation showed the Apache Hadoop HDFS Client was not renewing the ticket even when there were operation calls every few hours. To resolve this, an enhancement has been added to the Pega HDFS client which will explicitly tell Hadoop authentication layer to check for Kerberos ticket renewal instead of relying on Hadoop built-in logic.

INC-217290 · Issue 721376

Added support for creating predictive models in Production

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

While creating a new predictive model rule in Prediction studio, the case was going into broken process after selecting the template with the error message "Error loading D_ProjectList , Reason : No databases defined in properties file:/". This was an unexpected use case for creating models in Production level, and has been resolved by updating the flows to turn off the draft mode in this scenario.

INC-217728 · Issue 712733

Made CommitLog messages more resilient to class change

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

Persistent class mismatch exceptions were seen while refreshing the ADM models after updating from Pega 8.5. This was caused by changes to the Cassandra adm_commitlog message schema which caused the commit log messages generated to be incompatible with the deserialisation logic present in higher versions of Pega, but as the commit log messages had a time to live of 24 hours the issue self-resolved. However, this has been resolved by setting serialVersionUID for the ModelParameters class so CommitLog messages are now compatible with future minor and patch releases.

INC-217991 · Issue 714333

Display of 'check all' check box made configurable

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

A new overridable 'when' rule pyShowSelectAllCBInSurvey has been added to allow customizing a survey to hide the 'Select all' checkbox in the ComplexQuestionCheckboxTemplate section.

INC-218145 · Issue 715680

DSS introduced to control DSM clipboard page serialization

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

When using a Kafka dataset to consume a message from an external topic that had an attribute name with a special character contained in a page list structure, using a JSON data transform for the mapping in a realtime dataflow resulted in the error "Exception in stage: KafkaDS; LegacyModelAspectInvokableRuleContainer.invoke-Exception encountered a :java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException." To resolve this, a new DSS dataset/CLASS_NAME/DATASET_NAME/JSONDataTransform/deserialization/useDSMPage has been introduced. When the value is set to true, the process will follow the previous behavior of DSM clipboard pages being generated when Kafka records are deserialized using JSON data transform. When the value is set to false, the JSON data transform will generate regular clipboard pages and convert them later to DSM clipboard pages. This would avoid errors when a JSON data transform calls methods from the Clipboard API that are not implemented by DSM pages. This DSS is set per data set instance. CLASS_NAME and DATASET_NAME are placeholders which should be replaced by data set's pyClassName and pyPurpose property values. In addition, a similar DSS, dataset/CLASS_NAME/DATASET_NAME/JSONDataTransform/serialization/useDSMPage, has been introduced for serialization.

INC-218757 · Issue 714553

AESRemote updated to be asynchronous

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

The Autonomic Event Services (AES) agent PushCDHMetrics became stuck and was not pushing metrics to the console. This has been resolved by updating AESRemote to be asynchronous.

INC-219186 · Issue 720470

Prefix allowed for aggregates Keyspace

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

Attempting to connect multiple Pega environments to an external Cassandra cluster with limited database access using the prconfig setting dnode/keyspaces_prefix resulted in the error "Unable to determine if cassandra table [aggregates.config] exists" while connecting to the aggregates Keyspace. This was traced to an incomplete implementation: the system allowed the keyspace to be created with the prefix, but queries used the keyspace name without the prefix. In order to support this use, an update has been made to ensure keyspace prefixes are used if present.

INC-220174 · Issue 716384

Improved cleanup for data from joining nodes

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

A Cassandra node that is down for longer than the grace period (default 10 days) can introduce zombie data that creates instability when it returns to the cluster. This can include VBD partition summary data that was deleted and can break loading rules and cause the service to fail to start up. To resolve this, additional logic has been implemented to detect zombie summary records, including summary records without field descriptors and summary records without dictionaries having already been provided, and to read dictionaries from the latest summary record in case there are preceding zombie records with dictionaries.

INC-222561 · Issue 721043

Check added for destination type for distribution test reports

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

When there were two output destinations in the system, one of type VBD and another of type Database table and both had the same name, an incorrect class was set for distribution test reports and an error was generated when trying to open the report. Investigation showed the system was only checking for the name of the destination and not its type; this has been resolved by adding a pzSetSimulationOutputClass data transform to check for the destination type in addition to the destination name when setting the class for reports.

INC-224038 · Issue 723258

Performance improvement for serviceregistry table queries

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6.5

The expression filter ($1 - "SSR"."pytimeout") in the queries for service registry table caused full table scans which might result in performance issue and even risk of contention/locking. This has been resolved by replacing the pyTimeout column reference in filters to the default value = 9000ms so that performance for these queries can be improved.

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