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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-193986 · Issue 680032

Parameter logic updated for metrics activity counter

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

An error was causing the PushCDHMetrics agent to fail. This was traced to an undefined parameter in the activity which was used as a counter, and has been resolved by replacing it with a local variable of type integer.

INC-194305 · Issue 681681

File Dataset wildcards updated for ADM storage

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

Attempting to access the filepath was failing and an error was seen indicating "Could not obtain lock 'Create repository file pegacloudfilestorage:ADM/Rule-Decision-AdaptiveModel/Data-Decision-Request-Customer". While creating a file name, a lock is generated while checking the file names of existing files. If the file data set has a large number of files, a condition may occur where some threads are unable to save data and an exception is thrown. To resolve this, the wildcard previously used in the file name has been replaced with the Pega node id + thread id + current timestamp. This will ensure all wildcards are unique and there is no need to lock and list existing files.

INC-194433 · Issue 679630

Key Value Store handling revised for greater backwards compatibility

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

Previous optimization work done to reduce the size of the "nm" field when the hierarchy string is empty resulted in some Key Value Store records not being read from older systems during update. This has been corrected.

INC-194657 · Issue 682005

ADMinputsource field population updated to handle transactional decisions

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

The CaptureResponse flow was failing while writing to AdaptiveAnalytics with the error "IllegalArgumentException - argument does not represent JSON object". This occurred while running an outbound campaign where a few decisions were treated as transactional and did not have Model executions. Attempting to set a response for these decisions resulted in a JSON parse exception being thrown due to pxADMInputs not being populated (no models executed). This occurred only when using transactional actions in CDH, and was caused by the system only including predictive models during the make decision flow due to common inputs not being stored. While there was a workaround of overriding the property pzADMInputSource to use modelReferences instead of admInputContainer, this has been resolved by correcting how the pzADMinputsource field is populated. When there is no modelInput, the system will not populate that field so the page is ignored.

INC-194946 · Issue 680523

Write lock check added to avoid thread contention

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

After updating the Pega platform and NBA Designer, a significant drop in performance for multilevel strategies was observed. Investigation showed that invoking a sub strategy containing external input intermittently caused a thread contention issue related to write lock. This was traced to overzealous write locking of a component where only a read lock for the thread was required, and has been resolved by adding a verification check to determine whether a write lock is necessary for a given operation before acquiring it.

INC-195387 · Issue 681673

HandleResponses updated for use with optimized campaign

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

After updating from Pega 8.4, responses were not processed in the pxHandleResponses Data flow if the "pyCampaignOptimization" flag was set to true. This was traced to a missed use case for an optimized campaign, and has been resolved by modifying the condition in HandleResponses.

INC-195487 · Issue 683870

Re-save case type completes successfully

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

Checking in a case type rule with Stage Rule reference was failing. This was traced to the RuleCheckin activity being called in a nested fashion that caused an inner run to remove the "pyOriginalRecord" page which was needed in the outer run to set the .pyRuleset property (at Step 34), and has been resolved.

INC-196452 · Issue 687462

Handling added for special characters in dataflow and mbean name

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

Exception errors from deleted email listeners were seen after server start-up. Investigation showed that when a dataflow stage name had a special character and that name was then used in the mbean name, it was failing to register. This has been resolved by escaping JMX key values if they contain special characters.

INC-197530 · Issue 686027

Value Finder updated for use with external Cassandra nodes

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

Attempting to use the Value Finder feature resulted in the error "Running Simulation is not possible because the required services are not available. Contact your System Administrator to enable the data flow and decisioning data store services." Analysis traced this to a check which identifies whether there is more than one internal node available for CDH/ DSS node. Since there were only external nodes available in this scenario and no internal nodes, the method returned false and returned the error when the CDH / VF page was launched. To resolve this, the check has been modified to allow for external Cassandra.

INC-197730 · Issue 686234

Prediction outcome response timing updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.7

Predictions using a response timeout were not emitting a negative response ('NoResponse') when the specified waiting time expired. This was traced to the the outcome and response timeout values being overridden while triggering responses for multi stage predictions along with chained predictions. This has been resolved by modifying the flow to emit each outcome as it is received and by adding the dataflow trigger in the function so that it does not override the values in case of chained predictions.

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