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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-210475 · Issue 705370

JVM check added for memory allocation metrics collection

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

After update, frequent errors were logged regarding "ThreadMXBean) ERROR - Cannot get memory allocation data for thread". This was due to the collection of memory allocation data only being available for SUN based JVMs while the system experiencing the error runs IBM JDK. To resolve this, checks have been added to determine whether the thread memory allocation metrics collection attribute is supported by the JVM or not, and if not the collection will be disabled.

INC-210771 · Issue 708813

Updated access group handling for CurrentWorkPool property

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

After update, the pxThread.pxCurrentWorkPool property was not properly populated in App Requestors when the activity was called from Rest service. This was caused by a difference in the authentication check after a security modification, and has been resolved.

INC-210855 · Issue 715821

BigDecimal handling updated for @ sum function

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

The @ sum function was not behaving correctly. This was traced to the java code in the 'sum--(ClipboardPropertyCollection)' function which was not properly converting the double to Bigdecimal for some of the inputs like 500, 500, 600.11. This has been resolved by modifying the function to convert input properties to BigDecimal, add BigDecimal values, and return the result.

INC-211101 · Issue 709880

ClipboardPageImpl handling updated for virtual list variable mRepresentativeRow

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

A Concurrent Modification exception was seen after update. This was traced to the ClipboardPageImpl use of a virtual list variable "mRepresentativeRow" in the "InMemoryStringTable" class's method where it was iterating the "InMemoryStringTable" while the same list("InMemoryStringTable") was being modified by another thread at the same time. This has been resolved by modifying the Java file InMemoryStringTable to create a copy of the variable mRepresentativeRow to make sure that while iterating over it, the application will iterate only on a copied variable and not the original variable to prevent the concurrent modification exception.

INC-211178 · Issue 704591

Decimal parameters retain null value instead of being set to 0

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

When mapping any data in 8.6+, if the source is a decimal property rule and the target is a parameter defined as decimal, the decimal parameter's value will be 0 if the source property is null. This was a behavior change from previous versions of Pega where the target parameter would be null. This has been resolved by changing the code generation for the read operation on the parameter decimal type assignment to use resolveToString() instead of calling resolveToBigDecimal() so a null value is retained.

INC-211292 · Issue 705884

Updated handling for last_access to improve backwards compatibility

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

After update from Pega 8.3 to Pega 8.6, many errors were seen in the logs regarding the call of the Pega API /api/v1/nodes/all/requestors. In 8.3, the API was responding with the field last_access populated properly, but this field was blank in the new version. This was an unintended consequence of work done to resolve inconsistencies with the date format in Admin Studio, and has been resolved.

INC-211480 · Issue 712420

Handling added updates involving Oracle descending column

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

The build was failing when attempting to update to Pega 8.6, and an error indicating an issue with Oracle columns was generated. Investigation showed that when a column changed that belonged to an index which had a 'desc' column (even if the changed column was not specified as desc), an Oracle restriction was triggered. This occurred with any column size increase if the column participated in an index containing a descending column or a function index. This has been resolved by adding a step to drop the index before altering the column if a Descending index is involved, and to catch the case where the resized index is part of an index that has a descending column but is not necessarily a descending column itself.

INC-211599 · Issue 708544

Data page definition reload made more robust

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

The data page was intermittently being removed from the cache. This was traced to the use of a thread from ThreadContainer to reload the data page definition: a null thread could be returned if the request came from a master agent, which would then cause the definition reload to fail. This has been resolved by updating the system to use the current thread in context to reload the data page definition.

INC-211655 · Issue 714060

Removed extra space in Malaysian locale

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

For the ms_MY locale, an extra space was being appended to Number formats, such as " 0", " 1". This has been corrected.

INC-211977 · Issue 713460

Handling added for large BIX Postgres data sets

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

BIX extracts were causing timeouts or JVM out of memory errors. This was traced to the Postgres JDBC driver ignoring fetch size in auto-commit transaction mode, which led to everything being loaded into memory at once. To resolve this, changes have been added to support fetch size for large results when using PostgreSQL database for BIX Extraction.

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