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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-213763 · Issue 708111

Job Scheduler explicitly unlocked after nodes restart

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

If a job scheduler was in running state and the utility nodes were restarted, the background processing nodes were not coming up and resuming as expected and PersistentJobCleanupFactory:PresentMembersJobCleanup was throwing a stale execution exception. Investigation showed locks were not being removed from the database for the job scheduler when the restart was performed (noted in pegadata.pr_sys_locks table), preventing further runs. This has been resolved by adding an explicit lock removal process for this condition.

INC-213808 · Issue 710300

Stability enhancement to improve platform reliability and resiliency

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

During a NBA campaign run, the data flow partition became stuck in the in-progress status and the campaign run did not complete. NoClassDefFoundException errors were logged, indicating a connectivity issue with the database after which the node was not able to recover successfully. This has been resolved by adding an enhancement to better handle situations where a database outage is detected.

INC-215005 · Issue 713192

Made CommitLog messages more resilient to class change

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

Persistent class mismatch exceptions were seen while refreshing the ADM models after updating from Pega 8.5. This was caused by changes to the Cassandra adm_commitlog message schema which caused the commit log messages generated to be incompatible with the deserialisation logic present in higher versions of Pega, but as the commit log messages had a time to live of 24 hours the issue self-resolved. However, this has been resolved by setting serialVersionUID for the ModelParameters class so CommitLog messages are now compatible with future minor and patch releases.

INC-215847 · Issue 712003

Support added for trimming job log for queries

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

In order to make heavily-used job scheduler queries more performant, this update introduces the ability to trim job logs by max-count using the pzTrimLog activity.

INC-215937 · Issue 713772

Added exception handling for PageGroup alerts

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

Queue items were going to the broken queue if there was an issue fetching the alert configuration from the Queue Processor rule. The error "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Alert id cannot be blank" was seen. This has been resolved by adding exception handling while gathering alerts from PageGroup so that a malformed alert configuration will not cause overall failure of a processed message, but instead an empty alert will be returned if configuration-data is corrupted.

INC-217781 · Issue 714184

JobScheduler updated to better handle DST change

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

If a job scheduler was set to run on a weekly basis between 1 AM CET and 3 AM CET, the DST time change caused the job scheduler to skip that week. During DST, there is one 23-hour day in the year, and if execution time is set to that missing hour the system was throwing an IllegalArgumentException for the non-existent date. This has been resolved by adding a check that verifies whether a given date does exist; if it does not exist, the system will postpone execution time by one hour.

INC-218001 · Issue 719920

Error text revised for parameterized data page used for token generation

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

While trying to add a claim in the header of a Token Generation Profile instance, selecting Map From as "Clipboard" and trying to give any DataPage(parameterized) as the source property failed to be saved and the error "JWS Alias— Please provide correct algorithm key with correct key length." appeared. Changing the "Map From" to a Constant and giving a dummy value worked as expected. Tracer showed the error "declare page parameters not supported by PropertyReference", indicating the actual issue: at this time, the Token profile does not support using a parameterized data page. This has been addressed by ensuring an appropriate error message is shown on save of the token profile rule form when a parameterized data page reference is configured. The error will now read "The reference D_pzPreferenceStore[PreferenceOperatorID:"[email protected]"].pxObjClass is not valid. Reason: Parameterized data page reference is not supported." Support for a parameterized data page used with Map From will be taken as an enhancement for a future release.

INC-218340 · Issue 714662

Override added to delete records for a stream dataset after processing

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

Kafka data was accumulating for a Stream data set due to huge volume of inbound calls. This has been resolved by adding support to override pyDeletedProcessed through a DASS in order to remove the records for a particular stream dataset (topic) as soon as they are processed by Pega.

INC-219161 · Issue 724834

OAuth token handling updated for integrated service

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

After implementing Webex integrations (appointments & spaces), authorization issues were seen with the error "Cannot retrieve tokens for [email protected] as the logged session is with [email protected]". This was an issue relating to operator validation from requestor page, and has been resolved.

INC-219566 · Issue 721288

Handling updated for CSRF in queue processor trace

Resolved in Pega Version 8.8

The field level audit on properties was intermittently not being shown on the Audit history table for the first time for some users. This has been resolved by modifying the queue processor trace to better handle CSRF tokens.

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