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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-187610 · Issue 672847

Logic made consistent for design time group condition

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.6

An inconsistency was seen between the logic string that appears when switching from "Group ORs" mode to "Use advanced logic" mode at design time, though whichever mode was used at Action check-in was always properly reflected on the generated proposition filter so there was no runtime impact. This design time issue was traced to the property "pyGroupConditionsByOld " being empty: this property is transient so its value will not be saved into database. This property should be updated whenever user changes the Logic operator from the drop-down, and this has been resolved by adding an intermediate property to hold the old group condition value when it changes.

INC-191567 · Issue 676155

New application wizard security updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.6

Security around displaying and running the new application wizard has been enhanced.

INC-192092 · Issue 678449

Info messages added to merge and errors on merge failure

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.6

Logging used in the Merge Wizard process has been updated to provide feedback as the branches merge. In addition, the merge logic has been modified to use StepStatusFail as opposed to StepStatusGood.

INC-192464 · Issue 681858

PackageComponent updated for use with repositories

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.6

Exporting a zip file created by the Component wizard to a repository resulted in an error, however the same process worked as expected when the zip file was created by the Product wizard. Investigation showed that pxPackageComponent was not kept up to date with new metadata requirements for Artifactory export. This has been resolved by modifying pxPackageComponent step 7 to set Param.ArtifactType to "component" and Param.ArtifactName to [component name]_[component version]. A privilege check has also been added to zipMoveExport.

INC-192833 · Issue 678114

New Application Wizard will default to existing work groups if none are created

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.6

When using the new application wizard to create a new application, the new app API replaces the old work pools with the newly generated ones. If the new application configuration was done in such a way that classes are not generated due to reusing existing classes, access groups were being generated with empty work pools. To resolve this, the system has been updated to use the existing work pools if the new app didn't generate new work pools.

INC-194227 · Issue 679896

New Application wizard disabled or enabled correctly

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.6

The New Application wizard was disabled with the error message: "Application creation is disabled as the current operator is in invalid state". This was traced to edits made to the Operator page which caused the new app wizard to not be shown due to failed validation. To resolve this, an update has been added which will refresh the operator page on click of the menu so the New Application wizard is disabled or enabled correctly.

INC-195793 · Issue 697919

Enhanced ruleset validation for portal creation

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.6

Attempting to create a new portal (web channel) from the app studio using the Creation Wizard with "Branch development preferences" enabled resulted in the error message "No valid rulesets in application preferences". Investigation showed this occurred due to CPM-Portal being specified in the application as the UI class: when attempting to create the portal, the system was evaluating the class against ruleset candidates. The class was not visible to the rulesets in the stack and thus the portal could not be created. This has been resolved by adding validation on UI pages, Int and Data classes in the application to ensure that they exist in user rulesets, and by adding an allowance for classes to exist only in branched rulesets and not the base ruleset during check if the ruleset is present in application stack.

INC-198113 · Issue 693352

Link-Association-Follow updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.6

The report definition 'pyGetAssociations' was generating the error "data.internal.rd.reference.InvalidReferenceException InvalidReferenceException .pxLinkedRefTo Cannot use an unexposed property as there is no BLOB column for the class: 'Link-Association-Channel'". This has been resolved by updating pzUnfollowReview to handle Link-Association-Follow, which will prevent these log errors.

INC-199303 · Issue 690630

Guided Tour working from Actions menu

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.6

After updating from Pega 8.4 to Pega 8.5, "Manage a Guided Tour" was no longer working under a local action when called from the Actions menu on a work object. An unspecified error message appeared in the tracer. Investigation showed there was a null pointer error caused by the menu being invoked on an invalid page, and this was traced to updated authentication requirements: registration at the portal is not reliable as it is thread-scoped and run only once. The thread name is not guaranteed to stay the same so subsequent invocations of the tour activities failed. This has been resolved by modifying the call registration function to handle the security issues related to the generation of the menu path.

INC-200416 · Issue 699861

Updated AttachmentPreview control for Account Manager Access Group

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.6

When using the Account Manager Access group as the default and only access group on a profile, attempting to render a PDF on the click of a link did not work as expected. The render-on-click worked as expected when logged in as the Author and the application was switched to Account Manager. This has been resolved by registering the activity pzAppStorageOkToAttachFile in the pzAttachmentPreview control.

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