INC-191159 · Issue 682361
Validate topics based on all topics in channel instead of default language
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.6
If a 'When Rule' was used in Email Receiver to provide some conditions, it was not possible to use topics from the dropdown which were trained with training data in prediction studio. This was a missed use case, and was traced to validation being based on the default language topics. To resolve this, the data page has been modified from getting default language topics to getting a union of topics. The datapage for default language topics has also been withdrawn.
INC-192935 · Issue 698694
Inline images retrieved for deferred-load email
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.6
When emails were defer-loaded, inline images with code entered into the non-cache section in pyExtractHtmlFromAttachment were not being displayed. This has been resolved by passing the current page parameter to pyExtractHTMLFromAttachment to convey the pyID.
INC-192935 · Issue 688461
Added deferred loading for email cases
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.6
When there were a significant number of email interactions on an email case, delays were seen when loading the case in the UI. Investigation traced this to a high number of database calls along with the BLOBs also being open. To improve performance, the new rule pyDeferLoadEmails has been added which toggles the UI and loads emails faster. In addition, the button label has been modified to read "View all emails" in place of "Show all" while defer load is enabled.
INC-196623 · Issue 686132
Chatbot outbound message formatting corrected
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.6
Chatbot outbound responses were displaying appended br tags for next line in the messages. This was due to a formatting error in the menu (message type) title, and has been corrected.
INC-197116 · Issue 684954
Handling updated for migrated cases
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.6
When performing a contact search in an interaction case that was migrated from an earlier version, clicking the Add Task button generated an exception when executing pzSendFeedbackToNLP(step 9) > pzFindTopicModel. This was traced to an unnecessarily call to pzMigrateInteractionCases each time a migrated case was opened, and has been resolved by updating the system to use JumpToLaterStep in Step1 of pzCheckAndMigrateInteractionCases to avoid calling MigrateCase again.
INC-200148 · Issue 693147
Added JSoup handling for older Microsoft Outlook versions
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.6
Logging indicated that some emails were generating the error "pyextractlatestreplyfromhtml is resulting in java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Object must not be null." This occurred when using an older version of Microsoft Outlook, and has been resolved by adding a check before removing the JSoup doc object.
INC-200237 · Issue 693178
Added API for Pega Call Team websocket reconnect
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.6
When a call came in, the operator was not able to pick it up due to the popup only containing a reconnect section. This has been resolved by adding the disconnectAndReconnect API which will be used by Pega Call Team if the websocket reconnect limit exceeds 5.
INC-203463 · Issue 694164
Added deferred loading for email cases
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.6
When there were a significant number of email interactions on an email case, delays were seen when loading the case in the UI. Investigation traced this to a high number of database calls along with the BLOBs also being open. To improve performance, the new rule pyDeferLoadEmails has been added which toggles the UI and loads emails faster. In addition, the button label has been modified to read "View all emails" in place of "Show all" while defer load is enabled.
INC-209419 · Issue 704268
Email bot tags the incoming account correctly
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.6
When an email bot was created and configured for two email accounts, for example [email protected] and [email protected], an incoming email that had both of the email addresses in the "TO" line correctly created two Work-Channel-Triage-Email cases, but the data on the triage case did not correctly mark the incoming email account in "pzIncomingEmailAccount" or "pyAccountId". This has been resolved with an update that will rely on pyListenerPage if pzIncomingEmailAccount is blank initially, and if pzIncomingEmailAccount is still blank the system will then iterate over the email address and fetch the email account from the channelconfig page.
INC-170458 · Issue 667371
Handling updated for queue processor locks
Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.6
The Final activity mentioned in the processing epilog of the Service File rule was not being consistently called from File Listener, causing some of the cases to become stuck and not continue to the next stage. Investigation showed that if the lock was held by the queue processor requestor, the system was unable to obtain the lock but still proceeded to update the LogServiceFile page and persist it. This resulted in overwriting changes made on the LogServiceFile page by the requestor, resetting the completed-batches-count set back to 0. To resolve this, RuleServiceFile -> updateLSFBatchCounts() will call the overloaded lockAndLoad() method in LogServiceFile that accepts a parameter called lockAttempts. This will attempt to obtain a lock for a given number of times before throwing an exception.