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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-163863 · Issue 632427

Monthly agents run correctly on non-English locales

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

Nodes with non-English locales were not starting when using an Agent with a monthly execution pattern. This was due to incorrect handling of the user locale, and has been resolved.

INC-163898 · Issue 635397

DASS added to configure Property Query inclusion in ADM flows

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

After upgrade, ADM flows were failing to compile if the model had more than 300 predictors. Investigation showed that the generated code of the rule included both the Property Query as well as scaler reference, causing the generated code to exceed the maximum size. This was due to a change instituted to support the move from scaler references to Property Queries for performance reasons, and has been resolved by adding a DASS configuration which can be adjusted to disable the Property Query inclusion. By default the value of this DASS is false.

INC-163985 · Issue 635145

Class mapped to CustomerData is incrementally indexed as expected

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

When using a class which mapped to customerdata, instances that were added/updated were not automatically getting indexed unless a full reindex was performed. If the class mapping was changed from customerdata to pegadata then the incremental indexing was done. To resolve this, the UpdateProcessor class that resolves CustomerData to the correct database name has been updated to use PegaData. ConfigurationMapImpl contains the resolution mapping and a call is made to ConfigurationMapImpl to retrieve the correct database name.

INC-164472 · Issue 635113

Performance improvements for archiving and purging

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

Archiving and purging jobs were not working in Prod. Investigation showed this was caused by the system timing out. To resolve this, improvements have been made to purging by batching the deletions and refactoring the Where condition to simplify the complex expression queries that determine the cases to be archived.

INC-164514 · Issue 635085

Unnecessary logging removed from startup

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

The error "SettingMisusageFailure: Database is null" was repeatedly being logged following an update that consolidated error-handling logic for using a third-party custom jar file during the compiling process. This was an unnecessary message for this scenario as the database is often null at the early stages of startup, and SystemSettingsImpl has been updated to skip logging this error.

INC-166498 · Issue 637351

Locking and classmap improvements

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

Threads were getting stuck inside classMap and tableInformationMap, causing nodes to go down. This was traced to issues with class map performance and locking, and has been resolved by replacing the lock library with a newer version and refactoring the tableInformationMapImpl class to use a concurrent hashmap instead.

INC-85182 · Issue 622326

Process added to clear unneeded requestors from shared pools

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

Shared service requestor pools were persistently showing a growing count of active requestors when a service was under heavy use, potentially leading to timeouts and exceptions. Investigation showed requestors were moving from active to inactive without updating the pool manager, causing service requestor pools to be held in an inconsistent state with active requestor pools not going down even after completion of service request. To resolve this, a job scheduler process has been added to stabilize the service requestor pools heuristically.

INC-128342 · Issue 594185

Improved cleanup for adm_response_meta_info

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

The adm_commitlog.adm_response_meta_info column family was growing, leading to gradual increase in CPU utilization on the Adaptive Decision Management (ADM) nodes over time. Investigation showed that the compaction on the adm_response_meta_info table was not being triggered by the ADM service, and the compaction did not remove rows that belonged to models that had been deleted. To resolve this, compaction of the adm_response_meta_info table has been moved from the ADM client nodes to the ADM service nodes, which will correctly trigger the compaction on a predefined schedule. The compaction logic has also been refactored to remove rows that belong to models that have been deleted.

INC-136634 · Issue 591679

Thread contention resolved for InteractionHistoryQuery

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

High thread contention was observed while running Inbound load tests. This was traced to pzLoadInteractionHistory invoking a generated strategy to retrieve ihFields from InteractionHistoryQuery using the getUsedInteractionHistoryFields() method: because this method is synchronized, it caused a bottleneck. To resolve this, the synchronized methods have been replaced with the appropriate data structures.

INC-136969 · Issue 585547

Section and Paragraph rule types added to Revision Manager

Resolved in Pega Version 8.6

An enhancement has been made to add support for section and paragraph rule types in revision management. With this change, the sections and paragraph rule types can be added to overlay and can be added to change requests and modified.

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