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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-B86387 · Issue 339475

Offline mobile Work ID sync issue fixed

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

When creating a new Case on the mobile offline application, temporary IDs are created. Once synced with the server, the Server IDs are correctly updated on the device. However, if 3-4 new cases were created, one case was failing due to the Server ID not correctly being updated on the device. This meant the device still carried the temp ID and failed to sync. This was traced to EventListener_executeFunction returning false when there was any exception in the subscribed function during its execution, making the subscriber function null in the Listeners array. To fix this, a safe check has been added in syncAttachmentDP and a try catch has been added in dataPageUpdateAction to handle the exceptions.

SR-B87284 · Issue 336618

Menus work for Offline group

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

When working online in an access group that was offline enabled, clicking a more icon (3 dots) to present a menu with more actions did not produce a popup menu. This was traced to the ChangeTracker not reinitializing during offline packing, causing the THREAD to not be properly switched. To fix this, the code has been modified to ensure ChangeTracker is reinitializing for every harness packing and the THREAD is properly switched.

SR-B87284 · Issue 315103

Menus work for Offline group

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

When working online in an access group that was offline enabled, clicking a more icon (3 dots) to present a menu with more actions did not produce a popup menu. This was traced to the ChangeTracker not reinitializing during offline packing, causing the THREAD to not be properly switched. To fix this, the code has been modified to ensure ChangeTracker is reinitializing for every harness packing and the THREAD is properly switched.

SR-B94429 · Issue 341175

Mobile client correctly opens child case

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

Given a scenario where a parent case was online-only and the child case was offline-enabled, the offline-enabled child case was not able to be opened when the mobile device was in online mode. This was traced to the handling for processing the offline case and retrieving the parent case work object resulting in newAssignPage being lost, and has been fixed.

SR-C10224 · Issue 351129

D_PZOFFLINEATTACHMENTLIST reused for offline delta sync

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

In offline delta sync, the data page D_PZOFFLINEATTACHMENTLIST was populated twice. This was caused by pzDataSyncPackager populating the page on the initial line tools.findPage call, deleting the new page, then issuing another findPage to recreate the page. The code has now been modified to use the page from the clipboard instead of re-creating it.

SR-C10909 · Issue 352697

Handling added for null OfflineCaseAttachment source

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

An exception was being generated on each offline mobile-sync with the tracer message: "Unable to load data page D_pzOfflineCaseAttachments. Required parameter LinkRefFrom cannot be blank." This occurred when the required parameters for D_pzOfflineCaseAttachments DP were not populated. To address this, D_pzOfflineCaseAttachments DP has been changed to the pyGetAllOfflineAttachments activity, and handling has been added to exit if the parameter is empty.

SR-C573 · Issue 346166

Sync error page retains uploaded changes

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

After changes were made to a case offline and the case was then uploaded after the case had already been reassigned to someone else, a Pega-Work-OfflineSync work object was created and a copy of the case data was placed on the embedded pySyncErrorCase page but the changes were missing. To fix this, the pzStoreAndForwardProcessItems function has been modified to ensure the changes from the uploaded version are present on the pySyncErrorCase page.

SR-C6870 · Issue 349625

Performance improvement for finishAssignment sync

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

Analysis of a trace on the output related to a finishAssignment sync found a second read of the work object within the pzDataSyncPackageCases activity (after it was previously read in pzCheckLockingMode). In order to improve performance, the system will make use of the existing open work object to avoid the dual DB read.

SR-C7706 · Issue 350556

Performance improvement for WorkID sync

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

In order to improve performance, changes have been made to the pzStoreAndForwardProcessItems and pzGetAllOfflineWorkIDs activities: these will populate skipDPOfflineWorkIDsInteraction to conditionally skip the DP packaging, in order to ensure the offline temp ID reconciliation does not populate the data D_pzOfflineWorkIDs twice during delta sync.

SR-B78040 · Issue 334019

Shape-retrieval logic updated for nested proxy flows

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

A complicated proxy flow with nested subprocesses was hanging when 'next' was clicked. This was traced to getPreviousShape failing to get the correct shape due to the nested configuration, and has been fixed by modifying the logic in the getPreviousShape and hasPreviousShape methods used by process_flow.js to find the correct shape.

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