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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-B89083 · Issue 340550

Post-passivation tab switching issue fixed

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

Tab switching did not work properly after passivation if the following were true: 1) the RD was defined on a framework class and returned data from the implementation class (because of the useImplementation class option available in DataAccess tab) 2) A DataPage sourced from the RD was defined on the framework class and was editable. The error did not occur if the RD did not return implementation results or if the datapage was readonly. This was traced to an Invalid Reference exception during activation of the data page (sourced from RD with use implementation class as true) because the pxObjClass of the results and the pyObjClass of data page were different. This was only seen after passivation because the VL was already constructed in the RD and no expansion was being performed, hiding the issue. To resolve this, the system will avoid overriding the class of the pages the RD populates with the class defined in the definition of the data page.

SR-B89824 · Issue 340831

Fixed Guardrail warning for withdrawn page

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

A guardrail warning was appearing on data pages with the same name on a different class, even when the earlier version of the data-page was withdrawn. This was caused by an error in the handling of "Filter by rule resolution" in the RD, and has been fixed.

SR-B90290 · Issue 338672

Case mismatch fixed for pyDateSetID

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

The column name for a property defined in Data-NLP-Report-Summary was pyDateSetID, which did not match exactly the property ID of pyDataSetID. This caused issues with Microsoft SQL Server where property names and column names must match exactly. If the UDF functions are present, this is worked around by reading the value from the BLOB. However, if you are running without UDF functions, attempting to access this property generated an error. This case mismatch has been fixed.

SR-B91127 · Issue 340063

Fixed missing records in exported PDF report

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

A report record which contained double-quotes (") was not displayed in an exported PDF if it was part of a Summary type report definition. In this case, when the drill down was enabled the ddpath attribute was generated in the markup; because the value contained "" double quotes, the markup became corrupted. To fix this, RRDATASUMMARYSPREADSHEETGENERATION now contains code to disable the drill down while doing the export to PDF.

SR-B92724 · Issue 341584

Chart in section modified to better handle decimals

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

When using a customized report definition for TimelinessByJourneyType with precision set to "zero", some lines were assigned the same label due to rounding, e.g., labels for lines at 0.9 and 1.1 would both render as "1". To avoid this, the FusionJsonDataGenerator has been modified to hide unneeded chart lines and set default chart values for AxisMaxValue to 2 and numDivLines to 1 in cases where decimals is set to 0.

SR-B92748 · Issue 341371

Case Insensitive Search fixes for Segments

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

In order to fix an issue where Case-Insensitive Search was not working in Segments, the following changes have been made: 1) If case insensitive property is selected and the key is a text property, the system will do case insensitive matching while inserting records to confirm whether a key was already inserted before. 2) The 'when' condition has been modified to make the case insensitive checkbox visible for custom import purposes.

SR-B92748 · Issue 342174

Case Insensitive Search fixes for Segments

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

In order to fix an issue where Case-Insensitive Search was not working in Segments, the following changes have been made: 1) If case insensitive property is selected and the key is a text property, the system will do case insensitive matching while inserting records to confirm whether a key was already inserted before. 2) The 'when' condition has been modified to make the case insensitive checkbox visible for custom import purposes.

SR-B92748 · Issue 342540

Case Insensitive Search fixes for Segments

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

In order to fix an issue where Case-Insensitive Search was not working in Segments, the following changes have been made: 1) If case insensitive property is selected and the key is a text property, the system will do case insensitive matching while inserting records to confirm whether a key was already inserted before. 2) The 'when' condition has been modified to make the case insensitive checkbox visible for custom import purposes.

SR-B94946 · Issue 343693

Timestamp fixed for Export to Excel

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

When trying to do a Export to Excel on a report definition with one of the columns being a Date time property, an extra 'a' was seen in the date time columns in Excel. In this case, 'a' is valid for formatting Java datetimes while 'AM/PM' is the equivalent for Excel, so the 'a' will be replaced with AM/PM in the summary viewexcel data.

SR-B96629 · Issue 347927

Read-only values display in review harness

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

A pxDropDown control was configured to use different values for the property and display values that were sourced from a Data Page, which in turn was sourced from a report definition. The display property value was retrieved via a joined class on the report and referenced using pxPage().PropertyName syntax. When the control was rendered on the Review harness in read only mode, the display value was not showing even though the property was set. This was due to the pageGroups caption property for the dataPage not being resolved in template_display. To correct this, two extra APIs have been added that contain logic to map the string based property groups to the JSON pxResults of the data Page.

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