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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-121359 · Issue 571025

Resolved sync error for offline workorder

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

After logging on to the mobile app and then switching to off-line mode before opening a workorder from the worklist and processing the full workorder from end to end in offline mode, reconnecting resulted in the work order being moved to the [email protected] work basket with “Sync-Failed” status. Investigation showed that this was a caused by the DateTime properties being an empty string or null despite being created with a valid string. This was traced to the datetime conversion handling, and has been resolved.

SR-D88376 · Issue 548335

SQL query handling added for case-sensitive databases

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

An Email Listener in RUNNING state was not picking up the emails as expected. This was traced to the column names (pr_log_service_email) being defined in lower case for native SQL queries: since MS SQL server db is case sensitive, it was not able to detect these column names and therefore failed to save the message stub. This has been resolved by adding the necessary handling.

SR-D94019 · Issue 553784

Alerting features added for Listeners

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

An enhancement has been added for Email Listener alerts. At the end of each listener's processing cycle, the system will determine the average processing time per message, the total processing time of the listener, the total unread messages count, and total number of messages processed. In each AESRemote agent run, this data will be published to the PDC, where it will be analyzed and any necessary alerts raised.

SR-D82490 · Issue 547365

Invoke Connect-SAP method of IDoc type repaired

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

Attempting to implement SAP connection via IDoc type connector failed and an empty error message was shown. This has been resolved with modifications to the SAP Connector functionality.

SR-D90311 · Issue 549728

Parse Delimiter rule updated for special character handling

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

Attempting to run a Parse Delimiter rule with a CSV file was failing with a 400 bad request and the message "Invalid character found in the request target. The valid characters are defined in RFC 7230 and RFC 3986." Inspecting the HTTP request showed this was an issue with the \ character value being present in the FilePath property. To resolve this, encodeURIComponent() has been implemented to ensure the FilePath parameter of the HTTP Request meets Tomcat restrictions.

SR-D85699 · Issue 548663

DASS given for overriding boolean transformation to true/false

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

In order to ensure greater backwards compatibility, support has been added for not converting boolean values in the DOM-based Parse XML assembler based on the DASS as below : Pega-IntegrationEngine • ParseXML/DOM/DoNotConvertBooleanValues This will maintain values as 0/1 and override the default of transforming them to true/false which was enabled as of v8.3.

SR-D88997 · Issue 548896

Improved accessibility for labels and instructions

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

In order to improve accessibility, a label has been added to the delegation filter input and a search input box has been added to pzRecordsEditorWrapper along with the ability to use the 'Cell read-write classes' option to hide it in the UI.

SR-D94505 · Issue 553017

Toggles added to allow file listener performance improvement

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

In order to offer flexibility in improving the performance of file listener CPU usage while processing intake files, rsf.setSaveIntermediateState( true ) has been replaced with rsf.setSaveIntermediateState( listener.getListenerProperties().getAttemptRecovery() ) in FileActionImpl. This change allows the option of not selecting the setting for attempting recovery on the file listener rule-form, which then would skip the intermediate save state normally performed per record/per file in case recovery is needed, thereby speeding up the processing. A toggle has also been added to see whether the system should bypass the ListenerState check at the end of each record. To use this, set the Dynamic System Setting "listener/skipListenerStateCheck" in the "Pega-IntegrationEngine" ruleset to true. Additional Installation Instructions Please create/set the Dynamic System Setting "listener/skipListenerStateCheck" in the "Pega-IntegrationEngine" ruleset as true.

SR-D68204 · Issue 530035

Connect-FTP now s3 repository aware

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

In order to support using the Connect-FTP feature with the s3 repository as the source path, the system has been updated to check the local path provided for a filespec and attempt to retrieve the file for the Connect FTP call from there. This uses the "local file" field , using the format of "file://<storageDestinationAlias>/targetfolder" .

SR-D63255 · Issue 531384

Updated sender email address validation to handle long domains

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

In some cases, attempting to create a case via an email was failing and the cases were being routed to the broken queue. The error "IndeterminateConditionalException: Unable to load data page D_TrackAutoResponse. Required parameters : SenderEmailAddress. cannot be blank" appeared. This was traced to regex having a validation on the length of a domain name which caused a lengthy 'from' address to be trimmed. To resolve this, the regex has been modified to validate the email address as per RFC5322.

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