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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D63912 · Issue 531205

Context retained during nested automation

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

Issues were seen with context being passed correctly with automation. When a Data Page that was used to abstract the call to a REST API used a Data Transform which in turn used a Data Page which also used a call to a REST API to retrieve an OAuth Token, an error appeared. The same worked when a URL was provided on the Connect REST. When a service case was launched but a Flow Action wasn't submitted, then another service case was added and submitted, the post-processing robotic automation activity used the run robotic automation activity from the previous service case instead of the current service case targeted for completion. This has been resolved by updating the webwb • pzpega_ui_doc_submit.js file to pass the correct MDIContext based on the event target of FA submission while invoking RDA automation.

SR-D81651 · Issue 545238

Added check for signed-data in encrypted email

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

Numerous java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException messages were seen in the logs. Investigation showed that signed email which arrived as encapsulated within another email with header content-type = "application/pkcs7-mime; smime-type=signed-data; name="smime.p7m" caused the exception. This was due to a missed check for 'signed-data' while parsing the email and checking for encryption, and has been resolved.

SR-D63774 · Issue 540507

Resolved .PDF extension preview issue

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

Previewing a PDF that had the extension capitalized as ".PDF" did not load, but one with the extension ".pdf" worked. This has been corrected by modifying pxUploadFile and pzUploadFileToADocument to convert the filetype extension to lowercase to prevent possible preview problems.

SR-D83329 · Issue 546659

AWS S3 client SDK upgraded

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

The com.amazonaws group has been updated to version 1.11.740 .

SR-D67308 · Issue 552344

fetchWSDLDocument rule withdrawn

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

The fetchWSDLDocument rule has been marked as withdrawn.

SR-D64558 · Issue 531165

AttachmentContent supports S3 storage

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

Using a D_AttachmentContent data page to display the contents of an attachment by way of the pyGetAttachmentContent activity worked when using the Pega database for storage, but generated an error stating CMIS access was disabled after switching to S3 storage. This was traced to restrictions on Link-Attachment pages in Step 2, Line 64 of pyGetAttachmentContent to enable attachment stream retrieval from web storage and repositories by D_AttachmentContent, which has now been removed. In addition, pyGetAttachmentContent has been updated to behave the same whether a Link-Attachment page or Data-WorkAttach page is provided when populateAttachStream is set to false, and the rule documentation (description/usage) has been updated accordingly.

SR-D76291 · Issue 541015

Check added for Repositories before saving attachment

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

When creating or updating a case through email listener, the Link-Attachment defaulted the pxStorageType to 'WebStorage'. This caused an issue when using PegaS3, which needs pxStorageType 'Repository'. To resolve this, a check has been added to see if Repositories are enabled, and if they are the storageType will be set accordingly.

SR-D72886 · Issue 543755

Check added for Repositories before saving attachment

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

When creating or updating a case through email listener, the Link-Attachment defaulted the pxStorageType to 'WebStorage'. This caused an issue when using PegaS3, which needs pxStorageType 'Repository'. To resolve this, a check has been added to see if Repositories are enabled, and if they are the storageType will be set accordingly.

SR-D67232 · Issue 530009

Email listener updated to handle encoded MIME attachment

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

When processing an email with an attachment that was itself an encoded MIME part, the email listener generated a NullPointerException around an extraction error. Analysis showed that a content-type misled the system into thinking an attachment was another message part. To resolve this, has been modified to avoid attempting to process an attachment as a MessagePart if it cannot get the content of the part as a Message.

SR-D64197 · Issue 536589

Handling added for passivated file upload and attach

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5

When storage type repository was configured and any file type other than image was uploaded while pyIsStreamBasedUpload was set as true, uploading a file and keeping it idle for 15 minutes before clicking on attach caused pyattachInputStream to become null on the DragDropFileUpload pagelist. This caused an activityterminateException in tracer and the assignment was not submitted. This exception was due to a check in attachFile activity that calls terminateactivity when streambasedupload is true and attachinputstream is null. To resolve this, a validation rule has been added to check if the page exists, streambasedupload is true, and pyattachinputstream is null or has a value. If it is NULL, a message will be displayed about reattaching the file(s).

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