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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D75205 · Issue 543568

Refresh with DT or pre-activity added to dirty pop up check

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

Given a button which when clicked launched a data transform to set a few properties on the UI followed by a section refresh, a dirty warning popup did not appear when closing the work object even though the property changed via the refresh section. This has been resolved with an additional condition in the dirty pop up check to handle a refresh section using a DT or pre-activity.

SR-D75964 · Issue 542687

Check added to ensure enter key triggers autocomplete onchange

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

Tenant details were not loading, and no requests were seen being generated after the selection of the tenant. Investigation showed that for autocomplete control, a dummy onchange attribute was added, i.e., data-change = "[]". When the value was selected using the enter key, fireACOnElem was not executed in processEvent function as the condition isExplicitConfig(target) was true. To resolve this, an additional check attr(data-change) != "[]" has been added for ClientConditionExecutor to trigger fireACOnElem.

SR-D75966 · Issue 537946

Check added so DT parameters passed when using anchor tag

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

When using a link control configured such that the value of the text in the link control refers to an anchor tag such as Text, clicking the link to launch a harness and call a DT with passed parameters was not working. Investigation showed that when the link had an anchor tag, pyDataTransformDynamicParams was not getting passed as query string parameter. In pega.desktop.showHarness function, there is a If condition which checks whether any "=" is present in preDataTransformName variable and if there is any, it does not add pyDataTransformDynamicParams. This was not an issue with anchor tag itself, but rather a generic issue: any value with "=" would behave in the same way. To resolve this, the pega.desktop.showHarness API has been updated to check against the proper value (pyDataTransform=) instead of just = to identify old modal parameters.

SR-D76826 · Issue 543097

Corrected SmartInfo header text overlap with close icon

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

SmartInfo header text was not consistent in being wrapped to the next line, and when it did not wrap it was overlapping with the close icon. This was traced to the method used for applying the inline style to SmartInfo's header div by getting the body div's offsetWidth. In working scenarios, the body div's width has fractional portion (ex. 368.188px) and offsetWidth returns a rounded number like 368px in this case. This resulted in the header content not fitting in single line because it exceeded the space it was given, and wrapping resulted. In the non-working scenario, the body div's width did not have a fractional portion and therefore matched offsetWidth, meaning the header content fit to single line and overlapped the close icon. To resolve this, SmartInfo Header Div has been updated to be always be slightly less than the SmartInfo Body div.

SR-D77359 · Issue 542138

A filter on the grid shows value for a second click

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

A Filter on the grid was not showing any record value for a second click. This was traced to a conflict in considering column headers caused by the Filter Icon delegating two Grids, leading the process to take the context of the other Grid instead of the one which had been clicked. To resolve this, a check for the right context of the Grid has been added to the filterOnProperEvent method.

SR-D77557 · Issue 544684

Support added for custom portal with temporary work object

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

After creating a screen flow with temporary work object in a custom portal, entering some data and clicking caused the screen to be blank after browser refresh. The same process from Designer Studio or the Case Manager portal worked as expected. Investigation showed that SPA applications with displayonpage actions was sending empty parameters to render the harness due to the 'doUiAction' activity clearing additional pages for single frame portals. To resolve this, the 'when' rule in step14 has been updated to support a custom portal and temporary work object.

SR-D78196 · Issue 547267

Prepending zero to single digit hour and minute for iOS native calendar

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

The iOS native calendar was not parsing datetime values if h m values were less than 10, for example 09:05, resulting in an exception and freezing the app. To resolve this, the system will prepend a zero for iOS if the hour and minute values are less than 10.

SR-D78258 · Issue 545361

Corrected element pick for CaseAssetsParticipants in UI-Kit

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

The pyCaseAssetsParticipants function from UI-Kit in 8.3.1 was configured with 'launch local action' instead of 'list open local action'. Because of this, the hover event was failing. While there was a workaround of using the action ‘List Open Local Action’ instead of selecting ‘Launch Local Action’ , this has been resolved by adding a check to pick the correct element.

SR-D78562 · Issue 543531

Calendar Mode accessibility enhanced

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

Accessibility has been added for datetime control's calendar mode by adding alternative text and an aria-label for the image icon with a value from fieldvalue "Choose from calendar".

SR-D78659 · Issue 545761

Resolved CSV validation overflow in Google Chrome

Resolved in Pega Version 8.4.1

When using Google Chrome, validation of records was getting stuck in the UI at 32000+ while importing a CSV file with many invalid records when using the import option in Data type’s local data storage. Investigation showed the Call Stack size limit was exceeded in the Google Chrome dev tools due to the ":first" selector being passed to the Jquery find() method to find the element from the first element child of the XML doc. This selector causes maximum callstack exception when the document is large, and this is a deprecated selector in later versions of Jquery. To resolve this issue, the XML function in pzpega_tools_asyncprocess has been updated to replace the ":first" selector.

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