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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-C5700 · Issue 349622

Mobile performance improvements related to SIIP key delta syncs

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

Mobile performance was slowed by unnecessary SIIP key delta-syncs. To improve performance, engine changes have been made to send empty SIIP for rules which don't change during delta sync, and the pzStartSynchronization service was modified to skip objects with empty SIIP keys.

SR-C6872 · Issue 351148

Mobile performance improvements related to SIIP key delta syncs

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

Mobile performance was slowed by unnecessary SIIP key delta-syncs. To improve performance, engine changes have been made to send empty SIIP for rules which don't change during delta sync, and the pzStartSynchronization service was modified to skip objects with empty SIIP keys.

SR-C8008 · Issue 351130

TouchID restored for iOS

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

The TouchID checkbox was not showing up on iPhone. This was caused by a missing compatibility layer in the hybrid client that had not been added to the iOS project. The resource has now been properly linked.

SR-C8798 · Issue 351150

Check added for current mobile login before requesting login

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

When fast-starting is disabled and "Always prompt for password on start" is selected in the mobile app tab, a second request of ShortPass API (another action for an already started application) for a web login webview was calling sign in once again. This caused a new session cookie to be created, leading to synchronization issues and closing of the API already running for the first call. This was caused by a data-synch issue for actions opened by the openURL app, and has been fixed by adding a checking condition for a logged operator ID saved in window.launchbox.AccountManager.identifier that will bypass the login form when it contains any value (operator ID).

SR-C8798 · Issue 340002

Check added for current mobile login before requesting login

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

When fast-starting is disabled and "Always prompt for password on start" is selected in the mobile app tab, a second request of ShortPass API (another action for an already started application) for a web login webview was calling sign in once again. This caused a new session cookie to be created, leading to synchronization issues and closing of the API already running for the first call. This was caused by a data-synch issue for actions opened by the openURL app, and has been fixed by adding a checking condition for a logged operator ID saved in window.launchbox.AccountManager.identifier that will bypass the login form when it contains any value (operator ID).

SR-C9000 · Issue 351637

Mobile DB sync performance improvements

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

Under heavy load testing, the mobile DB synchronization process was found to be a bottleneck due to resource locking. This has been fixed by replacing the sync with ReentrantReadWriteLock which allows any number of threads to "read" the protected resource but will block when the resources is being modified.

SR-C9013 · Issue 350132

Mobile JSON parsing performance improvements

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

The mobile sync process was showing high memory utilization during JSON parsing due to the retrieval of each literal creating a new StringBuilder which was not promptly cleaned up. To improve performance, the system will now pass a StringBuilder to the JSONParser for use throughout the parsing process.

SR- · Issue 319555

ResponseObj page cleared after sync

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

During initial logon after the sync process, the ResponseObj page remained on the clipboard and impacted performance for the offline sync package. Page-Remove of responseObj and reqPage has been added to pzStoreAndForwardProcessItems to fix this.

SR-B11713 · Issue 330837

Completed mobile cases accurately reflected in desktop

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

When using an offline mobile app to run and complete a flow, the work object on the desktop was not showing a "Completed" status when opened but was instead stuck in one of the previous assignments. This was traced to an issue with the back processing of a case behaving differently in desktop and mobile when looping was present, and has been resolved with modifications to the pega_process_engine.js file.

SR-B67903 · Issue 329428

Fix for Data Transform when Clipboard Page not found.

Resolved in Pega Version 7.4

Logic has been added to correct the scope references of the generated offline-Datatransform-JS when using AppendAndMapTo.

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