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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

INC-174699 · Issue 652070

Work objects can open in multiple tabs with Layout group

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

After implementing the Worker portal with Layout Group(Tab) to open work objects and other options (Pulse, Spaces, My Cases etc.) in multiple tabs, the tabs opened as expected the first time but after all of the tabs were closed any newly opened cases appeared in popup windows instead of tabs. Investigation showed that when the last tab was closed, the display was set to the main div container of the ajaxcontainer so opening the work object again used a new window. Tab Group has been deprecated in the current Pega version, but the site has a requirement to open the cases in same way as they appeared with Tab Group; to resolve this, support has been added by making the width 0 for the active header highlighter instead of using display none for the main container for this configuration.

INC-174921 · Issue 652320

Client Side required validation applied to dropdown Date field

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

The mandatory validation on submit of the screenflow screen was not being triggered even though 'Required' was configured on the Date field.This was traced to the validation being applied to a hidden field when the date time control is configured in dropdown mode, and has been resolved by adding a condition for validating this configuration.

INC-155878 · Issue 645364

Class list updated when using ActivateDocument in portal navigation

Resolved in Pega Version 8.5.4

Global search worked the first time it was used, but failed after another case was opened from the dashboard or there was a click on any landing page home, dashboard, or space. Investigation showed this was caused by the pySearchText being blank in the clipboard, which was traced to a harness context issue related to pega.desktop.activateDocument being used in pzPortalNavigation on DynamicLayout with Application Logo and Application label. To resolve this, an update has been made that will update the class list with the proper one when the data-harness-id is set.

SR-128961 · Issue 208349

Added check for naming conflicts when upgrading Oracle

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

When attempting to upgrade a single schema on Oracle database, running the generateddl script failed with a NullPointerException. This was caused by database tables which had a column name called 'SYS_ID' as part of the primary key. Since Oracle uses system-generated names beginning with "SYS_" for implicitly generated schema objects and subobjects, Oracle discourages the use of this prefix in the names explicitly provided to the schema objects and subobjects in order to avoid possible conflicts in name resolution. To resolve this, a tester has been added to the system to check for this naming use and issue a warning.

SR-A2239 · Issue 205811

Documentation added on adding Tomcat-on-Oracle Rules resource

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

The Tomcat-on-Oracle installation guides for Pega ML7 and ML8 did not contain instructions for adding a for jdbc/AdminPegaRULES. As such if the installer prepared a two-user (Base + Admin) setup in the database and allocated the Base user to jdbc/PegaRULES, the Pega platform was unable to run DDL to create new tables for new work types and new data types, as the installer has not configured the additional datasource to use the Admin user. The documentation has been updated to add the necessary step between Steps 1 and 2 of the "Create a JDBC Datasource" chapter (page 41 from the ML7 installation guide).

SR-A4171 · Issue 213701

Added keyword support for <current>

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

Variations between system versions were causing a decision table containing some regexp functions to pass or fail validation depending on the version. To remedy this, support has been added for using the regular expression function as a keyword to ensure valid tables are properly handled.

SR-A5565 · Issue 217722

Added missing filename encoding for drag and drop

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

An error was being generated when opening an attached file with "$" in the filename. This was due to missing encoding for cases attached with drag and drop, and has been corrected.

SR-130442 · Issue 212468

Added support for localization of the 'Advanced' value of the When rule

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

If the "Advanced" value was localized in the When rule form, it failed as it was trying to compare with localized text. To resolve this, WhenTabListener has been modified to use the ID attribute instead of text for comparison.

SR-A6520 · Issue 216004

Case Worker Portal harness error resolved

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

When using the Case Worker Portal with the UI-Kit:03-01-01 ruleset, the first search for work returned the expected results, but opening a work object and then searching again caused the same (now incorrect) results to be returned. This was traced to a harness call and storage issue, and has been resolved.

SR-A7369 · Issue 217460

Clarified evaluation order for conditional Local Actions in GetNextWork

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2

If Local Actions were configured with 'when' rules on the stages tab of a case type rule, the 'when' rules were being evaluated before assignment via GetNextWork and the wrong local actions were presented. In order to ensure flow actions are evaluated in the proper order, GetNextWork will populate a flow action before moving it to the worklist.

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