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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-B46365 · Issue 303375

Error check added for ID/label mismatch on field labels

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

When an UploadFileFlow was created, tabbing through fields with blank values updated most of the field labels with the revised style when an error was present, but Date kept its original style. This was due to an issue setting error styles on a property if the label and identifier of a property were different. To handle this, the code has been modified to such that if the identifier of a control and shown text are different, a check in "findLabelFor()" will fail.

SR-B46599 · Issue 304003

ListenerPage made available to the service API

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

In order to enable using the service mail activity to fetch information from the Email Listener, "pyListenerPage" has been made available in the API so the service activity can find it.

SR-B46718 · Issue 304110

pyFLowSLA property added to support pxObjClass change

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

Validation errors occurred when using a data transform which changes the pxObjClass of primaryPage. Pega Platform tries to validate internally for all the properties during the page change class; in order to support the DT, the new property pyFlowSLA has been introduced. The previous pxFlowSLA property has been deprecated.

SR-B46735 · Issue 302808

Debug logging added to better track missing required parameters in declarative pages

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

A debug logger named "com.pega.pegarules.exec.internal.declare.infengine.pages.DeclarativePageUtilsImpl.MissingParameters" has been added in the DeclarativePageUtilsImpl class to print more info when required parameter is unavailable.

SR-B46802 · Issue 304072

Null check added for missing propInfo in WSDL

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

A null-pointer exception was occurring in cases where the propInfo generated from SOAP WSDL was null. This has been fixed with the addition of a null check.

SR-B46832 · Issue 302938

Logic added to convert UTC Date for REST clipboard mapping

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

An error was generated while mapping UTC format Date fields to the clipboard in REST. This was traced to the DateTime properties in the JSON response not being converted to Pega-supported datetime format, and the necessary parsing logic has been added.

SR-B46853 · Issue 303043

DSM new targets notification delayed to ensure full node initialization

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

An exception raised when a member / node joined the cluster because it wasn't "ready" to respond to remote execution tasks With PegaMarketing / DSM due to DSM trying to perform a remote execution task / job before the node was fully initialized. To avoid this, the system will defer the notification to membership listeners based on when the joining node records an entry to the "alias" cache.

SR-B4703 · Issue 276811

Browse Messages accepts custom properties for authentication

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

Browse Messages was throwing a username null error due to custom properties provided in the JNDI server rule form not being read. Support has now been added to read custom properties for browse messages.

SR-B47060 · Issue 303231

Fixed BulkActions filter reset

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

In the Bulk Actions page, adding a new filter property caused the other conditions to be reset incorrectly. To resolve this, checks have been added to see if there is already a filter condition configured in the Embed-FCondition.pzDefaultOperators.

SR-B47227 · Issue 304654

Requirements template sets Excel input cells as text for security

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

For increased security in Pega Platform Excel files, the Requirements template has been changed to set all the input cell types as text instead of general.

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