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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-B41815 · Issue 300938

createDateTimeCategories function modified to use operator time zone

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

A report definition chart using the operator time zone of "Europe/London" and locale "en_US" displayed duplicate date columns. Updating the operator time zone to "America/New_York" removed the problem. This issue was caused by the system always parsing/formatting the date with the default local time zone, and has been resolved by modifying the parseDate/formatDate/createDateTimeCategories function to use the operator time zone instead.

SR-B41820 · Issue 299434

Map from field updated to ensure Correspondence Name and Type are included

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

An error was generated while configuring a Map From field as Correspondence. This was an issue with the Correspondence Name not being passed: when the Map From is selected as Correspondence, the backend expecting the Map from Key as a space separated combination of Correspondence Name and Correspondence Type. If only the Correspondence Name was selected, then the back end failed to find the Correspondence Type. This has been fixed by modifying the code to combine left and right from key part to ensure both parts are sent.

SR-B41833 · Issue 297708

Modal size remains consistent

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

The modal size increased if a small bonus modal was reopened after a large modal was viewed. This has been corrected by modifying the logic in the modalDialogCallBack function(pega_ui_modaldialog.js) to set modal dimensions after setting the class from callbackargs.

SR-B41874 · Issue 301766

View parsing regex fixed for union statements

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

While importing jar file through import out-of-the-box, generated SQL Scripts from the manual option system had scripts which were already present in the Database. This was caused by the view parsing regex not handling UNION statements, and has been corrected.

SR-B4193 · Issue 274552

NexFlow requestor performance improvements

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

The deployment of the Nexflow Application RAP was failing due to a requestor synch timeout if 'includeSynonyms' was enabled on the DB connection. Code updates have been implemented to improve performance to resolve this.

SR-B42009 · Issue 304044

Authentication timeout smoothed for re-login

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

If custom authentication was used with a stream specified to enter credentials upon authentication timeout, re-login failed after the timeout. This was traced to two issues: first, the custom configuration defaulted to using the out-of-the-box stream "Web-TimeOut", which expects the password to be in base64 encoded format and so attempts to base64 decode it. This caused an authentication failure. Second, when restarting with authentication instead of a timed-out request, the starting activity of operator was being executed and the portal was rendered unexpectedly. To resolve this, the object references needed for the successful resumption will be cloned when there is authentication timeout and used for redirection upon successful authentication.

SR-B42078 · Issue 298933

Improved logic for external Connect-SOAP error handling

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

An application with a requirement to check all data pages before loading the portal was generating an error if there was a Connect-SOAP failure during data page load. To resolve this, the logic has been modified to better handle external system exceptions caused by a SOAP failure.

SR-B42078 · Issue 298145

Improved logic for external Connect-SOAP error handling

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

An application with a requirement to check all data pages before loading the portal was generating an error if there was a Connect-SOAP failure during data page load. To resolve this, the logic has been modified to better handle external system exceptions caused by a SOAP failure.

SR-B42110 · Issue 299959

RD "Available & Valid Values" properly populated

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

The filter conditions in the report definition for the Available and Valid value list was displayed as blank or empty for properties which were exposed for reporting purpose and are at one level below the PyWorkPage. This was traced to an improper splitting of the property when pointed from the Parent, and has been fixed.

SR-B42218 · Issue 300079

Updated logic check for property panel invalid actions

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

Configuring invalid actions on the events & actions property panel was not triggering the validation messages when submitted, saved, and checked-in. When the action was re-opened, no changes were saved. This was due to a segment of code called on load of the property panel that remained for backwards compatibility but should not have been called in this scenario. This has been fixed by adding a check at the top of this activity for messages/errors which will route the logic appropriately.

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