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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-B47958 · Issue 303935

Resolved page group copy error

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

A WrongModeException occurred while copying a page group due to incorrect clipboard handling for the page mode. This has been fixed.

SR-B48146 · Issue 305146

CheckedOutRulesBulk updated with null check

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

The MyCheckedOutRulesBulk ruleset was taken as null for operators with rule checkout disabled, causing them to see all the non-rule resolved classes as private edits. To correct this, additional criteria have been added to fetch records only with pyClass starting with 'RULE-' and the List views MyCheckedOutRulesBulk and MyCheckedOutRulesBulkPM have been changed to check for null values.

SR-B48780 · Issue 305215

Oracle/Unix documentation updated with JDBC instructions for urandom instead of random

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

The Install/Upgrade guides have been updated to reflect that recent changes to Oracle have created the requirement of forcing the JDBC driver to use /dev/urandom instead of /dev/random to improve security as well as connection open and close performance. The guide now recommends customers running Oracle on Unix do one of the following: 1. Update $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/ to use securerandom.source=file:/dev/./urandom 2. Set system property

SR-B509 · Issue 277331

Turkish characters supported in autocomplete filtering

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

Support has been added for Turkish locale special characters in autocomplete filtering.

SR-B5172 · Issue 275097

SOAP handling for BOM bites fixed

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

After upgrade, an exception was generated when hitting the PRSOAPServlet. This was due to an error in encoding BOM bytes, and has been fixed.

SR-B51793 · Issue 308487

Extended options for creating Context URI

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

In order to facilitate the use of Amazon Web Services, an enhancement has been added to extend the methods available for forming Context URI. Previously, Pega Platform mandated both X-Forwarded-Host and X-Forwarded-Proto be present when using HTTP extension headers. The new feature adds HOST support when X-Forwarded-Proto is present without X-Forwarded-Host. The URL will consider X-Forwarded-Proto for protocol (http or https) and take the host name from host header. This change works for any reverse proxy or load balancer, as long as they emit X-Forwarded-Proto and preserve the HOST header.

SR-B5224 · Issue 277207

Fixed intermittent override default template failure

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

The override default template was displaying inconsistent behavior due to the fromLocalAction function not correctly resetting. This has been corrected.

SR-B5308 · Issue 275351

Special characters correctly encoded in downloaded filenames

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

While downloading an attachment file containing special characters in file name, the file was getting saved with ASCII codes. This was caused by the file name being encoded in download operations, and has been fixed by providing the encoding type as UTF-8 in the content disposition header for the sendFile() method.

SR-B5417 · Issue 274794

Logic added to convert UTC Date for REST clipboard mapping

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

An error was generated while mapping UTC format Date fields to the clipboard in REST. This was traced to the DateTime properties in the JSON response not being converted to Pega-supported datetime format, and the necessary parsing logic has been added.

SR-B5450 · Issue 274669

Tab layout focus corrected for "show next error"

Resolved in Pega Version 7.3

The "Show Error" and "Show Next Error" functionality in the layout group of type tab were not giving focus to the correct element when clicking the 'show next error' if an autocomplete was present. Instead, focus was given to the element whose CSS property display was set to none. To correct this, an additional filter condition has been added to ensure the expected focus.

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