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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-C77730 · Issue 435797

Resolved case lock release improved

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

Cases created through the create work object were unnecessarily holding onto locks for up to two hours. This was traced to a defer-write scenario for mobile devices which did not return the correct status needed for "no further assignments". In order to resolve this issue, a new parameter "returnNextActionInfo" of type boolean has been added to svcPerformFlowAction. This parameter will be always set as false when calling this activity from sync up so all locks will be closed and released.

SR-C93506 · Issue 435816

Prconfig enhancements for Cassandra diver connection pool

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

An enhancement has been added to to support the following prconfig setting options for the Cassandra driver's connection pool:dnode/cassandra_max_requests_per_connection/local dnode/cassandra_max_requests_per_connection/remote dnode/cassandra_max_connections_per_host/local dnode/cassandra_max_connections_per_host/remote In addition, error handling in the CassandraBrowseByKeysOperation has been improved. To avoid NPEs caused by a record in Cassandra (DDS data set) that has data_ column set to null, CassandraDataEmitter will skip records with a null data_ column.

SR-C89576 · Issue 435837

Enhancement added to track list based report definitions for statistics

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

In order to expand the use of pyDefaultReport for Log-ReportStatistics, an enhancement has been added to pzPopulateListReport to call the pzPopulateStatisticsInfo activity with the required parameters to enable tracking of list based report definitions so they can be included in the report statistics table.

SR-C95532 · Issue 435979

Improved handling for deleting dedicated index instances

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

If the dedicated index instance was deleted from the ‘Custom search properties’ tab rather than from the dedicated tab of the search tab, then that instance was unexpectedly deleted from the instances of custom search properties and resulted in a blank row with the re-index button disabled and delete button enabled. This was a missed usecase related to handling the deletion of a dedicated index created from D-CP-S on a class whose immediate parent class is an abstract class or class that doesn't have a dedicated index, and has been resolved by setting the pySaveFromUI Flag when delete is invoked from the Data-CustomProperties-Search instance.

SR-D898 · Issue 435996

Pega0069 alert accuracy resolved for UHC FinishAssignment

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

Pega0069 alerts were not raised for the CS commit and confirm harnesses, and the reported total duration was not always accurate. This has been resolved by capturing document busy/idle for CS harnesses.

SR-C90418 · Issue 436016

Exception handling improved for pxAdjustSLA, pxAdjustSLATimes, and pzAdjustSLATimesInBulk functions

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

If the SLA Deadline days were updated from 0 to 1, the SLA agent did not trigger the deadline escalation activity and the error " Instance of class Queue not found: SYSTEM-QUEUE-SERVICELEVEL.SYSTEM-QUEUE-SERVICELEVEL" was generated. This has been resolved with the addition of better failure handling to the pxAdjustSLA, pxAdjustSLATimes, and pzAdjustSLATimesInBulk functions for cases where an exception is generated.

SR-C97656 · Issue 436039

DSS added to allow custom timeout for BIX query

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

The BIX query to retrieve the blob column was taking up to 60 seconds for large volume, causing timeouts. Previously, the extract defaulted to using repost pzSample which is internal/final and has a default timeout of 30 seconds. In order to avoid timeouts, the new DSS "BIX/selectQueryTimeout" has been added to allow setting a custom value.

SR-C93802 · Issue 436136

Rounding added to avoid exception for ADM number too small to save to Oracle

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

An exception was thrown when trying to save ADMSnapshot agent predictor bin data that was too small (below 1 x 10-130) for the Oracle Number column it was written into. This blocked up-to-date reporting on adaptive models. To resolve this issue, the code has been modified to round the double type numbers to an acceptable scale before writing to the database.

SR-C96547 · Issue 436157

Check added to format simplified Chinese date generation to match system expectations

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

"When the browser language was set to Chinese (simplified) and a template was used for an application, an invalid date exception was generated. This was caused by a difference in handling between the moment.js function used to format the datetime, and Pega. The moment javascript formats dates with the below 6 meridiem for Chinese locales (zh-cn, zh-hk, zh-tw):凌晨 - Early morning 早上 - morning 上午 - morning (AM) 中午 - noon 下午 - in the afternoon (PM) 晚上 - at night But the Pega server only accepts two standard meridiem i.e. 上午 - morning (AM) and 下午 - in the afternoon (PM). Due to this, using an unsupported setting resulted in an error. To resolve this, a check has been added for the Chinese locales (zh-cn, zh-hk, zh-tw) that will adjust the non-supported formats to be either 上午 - morning (AM) or 下午 - in the afternoon (PM). Additional support has also been added to handle this function for iPad.

SR-C86589 · Issue 436265

Added explicit thread cleanup to resolve case worker portal UI rendering problem

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3

Creating a case in the case worker portal was resulting in the respective screen being rendered with a distorted UI. This was traced to an issue in topnavigation where the thread was being changed to a base thread and skipping the FlowModalProcess thread removal when the new DC action was triggered. To resolve this, the system has been modified to append "$FlowModalProcess" in harnessOnBeforeUnload if it is missing to make sure the FlowModalProcess thread is removed.

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