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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-C60963 · Issue 424450

Clipboard flag conflict cleared to facilitate data migration via product rule

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

After creating a Product rule in a 6.x version to export the Work Objects by adding all the necessary classes manually into the Product rule and then exporting the RAP, the in-flight work objects were imported successfully into the 7.x environment but the reference pages were not imported. This was traced to a broken reference link for the autopopulate process caused by ClipboardProperty flags being in conflict about whether or not the properties were defined as references, leading to the inference engine being disabled during the import. To resolve this, going forward the disabling of auto-populate properties will be done in conjunction with disabling the inference engine, as they should both be enabled or disabled together. By default the inference engine will be enabled as administrators are encouraged to import in the proper declarative context.

SR-D36293 · Issue 509303

Node level data page now specifies tenant name in MT environments

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

In order to address a requestor contention between different tenants during the load of node level data page in multi-tenant environments, an enhancement has been added that will specify the tenant name in the data page name. This will improve performance by allowing different tenants to have different locks, ensuring the process of data page loading on one tenant will not make another tenant wait for the loading of the same data page. Additional debug and trace logging has also been added to provide more information related to declarative rule cache management.

SR-D19111 · Issue 496592

Improved compatibility for mapping pyMessageId with out-of-the-box email index rule

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

After upgrade, the process used for retrieving a reply for an email sent automatically by the system and comparing it with the incoming email to determine if it was a reply or not was failing to trigger an index or find instances of the class Data-Corr-Email that was supposed to save the property pyMessageId. This was related to recent refactoring of the handling for email headers in the Send activity, which moved them from a created AttachmentPage to the Primary page. The code in SendEmailNotification was still checking for the headers to be in the old location when going and adding the messageID, and was not taking it from the parameters. To resolve this, the pyMessageID will be set on the Primary page and messageID will be set on the parameter page based on the messageID in emailHeaders on the PrimaryPage.

SR-D21569 · Issue 491702

PUT and WHEN support added for REST

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

Data layer rules in Pega were not getting generated through the Wizard- ‘Create Rest Integration’ when invoking the Rest service though the PUT method. This has been resolved by adding support for PUT and DELETE in pypresentdatapageoptions.

SR-D30505 · Issue 501894

Revalidate and save works for Service Packages using OAuth2.0

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

Revalidate and Save was failing for service packages of type Data-Admin-ServicePackage which used authentication type as OAuth2.0 . If this was modified to basic authentication / unchecking authentication, revalidate and save was successful. Historically, the implementation of pzOnlyRestServiceType always assumed the primary page was the Service Package rule itself. To support this alternate use, the logic has been updated and a check of the Service Type has been added for the pxResults of the data page.

SR-D4559 · Issue 486556

Normalized type attribute namespace for Weblogic compatibility

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

After upgrading from Weblogic to Weblogic, the namespace in the generated Request XML for some elements was appearing as null/blank. This has been resolved by normalizing the type attribute namespaces' option in Connect-SOAP.

SR-D42456 · Issue 510956

Case status correctly updated when using RDA

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

When a Assignment was routed to a work queue and Flow Action post processing was set to trigger an RDA Automation to update some case property, an error appeared saying there was no data available on the Page and the case status was not updated when it moved to the next stage. This was an issue with case status not being correctly updated when using robotic automation, and has been resolved.

SR-D36715 · Issue 507455

Resolved slowness in retrieving case attachment from AWS

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

Attempting to open a case attachment caused the application to slow over time and eventually became unresponsive. Restarting the Tomcat nodes improved the response time. This was traced to a null Buffered Input Stream not being closed correctly when using AWS, and has been resolved by adding the needed logic to PegaGadget-Pulse.pzStorageAttachSelectedFile. In addition, enhanced logging has been added to Embed-Repository-S3.pyGetFile. Additional enhancements for this issue will be included in a future release.

SR-D41229 · Issue 507175

Resolved slowness in retrieving case attachment from AWS

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

Attempting to open a case attachment caused the application to slow over time and eventually became unresponsive. Restarting the Tomcat nodes improved the response time. This was traced to a null Buffered Input Stream not being closed correctly when using AWS, and has been resolved by adding the needed logic to PegaGadget-Pulse.pzStorageAttachSelectedFile. In addition, enhanced logging has been added to Embed-Repository-S3.pyGetFile. Additional enhancements for this issue will be included in a future release.

SR-D42406 · Issue 510668

Support added for UTF-8 charset in Connect-REST pyRequestAttachmentPage

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

When using Connect-REST with pyRequestAttachmentPage, Polish characters like "ó" or "ł" were converted to "?". This did not happen when pyRequestAttachmentPage was not used. This was due to the post request body using a multipart handler that ignored the charset being passed in and considered it a respective enum type for Application/json internally instead. This has been resolved by adding support for charset UTF-8.

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