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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-D50436 · Issue 513848

Case creation service activity unauthorized response modified

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

When unauthorized users accessed the URL for creating a case, a blank screen appeared instead of the user being routed to a login screen. This was due to the system returning an HTTP 400 error instead of HTTP 401 response, and was traced to the introduction of an anonymous user type in the authentication activity (Authentication service in the service package). Case creation REST service uses pzCreateCase activity to create the cases, but before introducing the anonymous user type it was exiting from the authentication activity and did not call pzCreateCase. This was traced to the error handling relying on a field value to be in English when instead the site had localized the value, causing a mismatch which did not generate the necessary failed status. To avoid this, the system will now use the new pxStatusFlowSecurity process engine status instead of relying on a text match to determine this error.

SR-D17418 · Issue 498720

Attached note header displays properly in Hebrew locale

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

With the locale set to Hebrew, the whole portal is presented correctly from right to left, but when opening a case note (an attached email), the header was not displayed as right to left. This has been resolved by updating the 'DisplayNote' HTML of class 'Data-WorkAttach-Note' and 'Show' HTML of class 'Data-Corr-Email' to use locale information from the operator.

SR-D42645 · Issue 510576

Force order added to inner join when running a Rules Resolution filter

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

After upgrade, D_getResolvedWorkStatuses was not loading properly due to a Report Definition that used a Filter by Rule Resolution option timing out on the SQL Server. When the Filter by Rule Resolution option is selected in RD, it will generate a rule resolution query with an inner join which can cause a time out on the SQL Server while it tries to find out the join order for tables with multiple joins. To resolve this, the SQL server will provide a Force order, merge inner join hint option by way of an added DSS reporting/useForceOrderHint. Additionally, reporting/useMergeHintForRRquery should be set on Pega-Reporting to set things up for using the Merge Inner join hint in the query.

SR-D42670 · Issue 510182

Force order added to inner join when running a Rules Resolution filter

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

After upgrade, D_getResolvedWorkStatuses was not loading properly due to a Report Definition that used a Filter by Rule Resolution option timing out on the SQL Server. When the Filter by Rule Resolution option is selected in RD, it will generate a rule resolution query with an inner join which can cause a time out on the SQL Server while it tries to find out the join order for tables with multiple joins. To resolve this, the SQL server will provide a Force order, merge inner join hint option by way of an added DSS reporting/useForceOrderHint. Additionally, reporting/useMergeHintForRRquery should be set on Pega-Reporting to set things up for using the Merge Inner join hint in the query.

SR-D16200 · Issue 494582

Support added for decimal values in RichTextDisplay HTML

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

After upgrade, correspondence in Outlook was displayed with an incorrect left alignment, and footer images were stuck together. This was caused by a difference in the Richtextdisplay mode, which was previously set to 'literal' and is now richtextdisplay.Issue. To resolve this, an enhancement has been added which supports decimal values for the HTML attributes.

SR-D16433 · Issue 499294

Exception handling added for upgraded custom decision tables

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

After upgrade, the status fail message "There has been an issue; please consult your system administrator" appeared with a blue screen in the Run window when attempting to run a Decision table from Actions-> Run option. This impacted the ability to create unit test cases. Analysis showed the issue occurred for any decision table where "Evaluate All rows" was enabled and list properties were used in Actions if there was no value for the list property after the execution of decision table. This was traced to a NullPointerException in a RunRuleFromPage activity in a customized in PUnit ruleset, and was caused by having list properties in the actions of a decision table that had not been populated during rule execution. Exception handling has been added to resolve this.

SR-D32086 · Issue 500893

Memory leak repaired

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

A server side memory leak was traced to heap utilization increasing due to a Stream control assembly problem where the CleanForReuse() function was not cleaning up pzAuto. The cleanForReuse method in generated HTML properties is used to either initialize local fields, in which case aContext will be non-null, or to clear the object for pooling, in which case aContext will be null. Because the pzAuto variable was not being properly nullified, pooled controls were retaining stale references to StreamTools, LayoutRuntime, PRThread, and others. This has been resolved by adding code to ensure the pzAuto variable is correctly nullified, and additional work has been done to improve memory management.

SR-D18036 · Issue 495396

Holdability flag set on connection for using MS SQL in Designer Studio

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

Static assembler was not working from Designer Studio, displaying the error " SQL Server supports holdability at the connection level only. Use the connection.setHoldability() method." Investigation showed that ApplicationAssembly.getResultSetForQuery explicitly sets the holdability flag on the prepared statement, and this issue has been resolved by updating the system to set the holdability flag on connection as well.

SR-C80200 · Issue 494446

Resolved Sporadic ControlBuild error in sections

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

After upgrade, a sporadic error was seen with sections of a VTable after a server restart where a portion would not load and the error "com.pegarules.generated.html_property.ra_stream_pxtextinput_1786000787_default incompatible with" was seen. This issue was traced to invalid generation of an assembly parameter map for random sections the first time the table was called after restart. To resolve this, the system will now allow assembly parameter generation for a second time when they are empty, and the assembly parameters preparation will be handled as a synchronous process.

SR-D13514 · Issue 489433

Data-test-id handling updated to resolve testing issue with custom controls

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.1

After configuring a custom control, the control did not render as expected when trying to capture the scenario testing. Investigation showed that in read-only mode, two spans were wrapped with same data-test-id when formatType is number. This caused a ‘no unique selector’ issue with scenario tests. To resolve this, pzpega_ui_template_displayText.js has been updated to not include data-test-id on outer span when formatType is number.

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