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Resolved Issues

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Please note: beginning with the Pega Platform 8.7.4 Patch, the Resolved Issues have moved to the Support Center.

SR-D51330 · Issue 515246

Added toggle to hold radio button value during multiple service case creation

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.5

When a field was implemented with a radio button control in the service case screen, starting two cases of the same or different case type (with the same property and control) resulted in the selected value not sticking in the first case when selections were made for the second case. This was traced to multiple radio buttons with the same name in the dom for different AJAX containers: as per radio buttons behavior, only one could be selected if they have the same name. To correct this issue, updates have been made to change the name on radio buttons which are inside the hidden AJAX container and toggle the changes when the buttons should be shown.

SR-D51555 · Issue 516495

Resolved system hang after changing input field value post note

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.5

After upgrade, a session was hanging in a Non-Member Search Phone interaction after navigating back from "Add or edit attachments" window. The same code worked as expected in the Member Search Phone interaction. Investigation showed that changed values (transaction ID, pzFromFrame) were being sent to the client twice, once in the popup window after attaching the note and again to the parent window. When the changed values were consumed and used in next actions, a mismatch resulted in pzFromFrame. To resolve this, the system has been updated so the Client will not consume the pxThread.pxClientExchange value if pxThread.pxClientFrame is different from what the current tracker is using.

SR-D51601 · Issue 516704

Hover logic updated

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.5

When using a dropdown in a grid layout configured with a smartInfo to be displayed on Hover, the smart tip was sometimes not displayed when the hover moved from the top to point to the dropdown. If the hover was done quickly, it was displayed. Previously, the hover was calculated only by cursor x, y positions and elements boundaries: to resolve this issue, the logic has been updated to also consider cases where the element is still hovered without meeting these conditions.

SR-D52144 · Issue 515672

When no active document is available on login, first document will be marked active

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.5

After logging into the user portal, attempting to perform operations like (opening a case/work object, opening reports etc.) caused the browser request to spin or freeze. The only way to recover was to close and re-launch the browser window/session and re-login. This issue occurred when there was an active reportdefinition document before the browser/node crash in the tabless dynamic container(DC) portal. After recovery, the dynamic container did not recreate the report definition document but instead tried to activate the first document in the portal, which in this case was the default harness configured in the Dynamic Container. As it was not yet loaded, exceptions were thrown. To resolve this, when no active document is available, the first document will be marked as the active document.

SR-D52695 · Issue 515972

Pagination context switch handling updated for mouse scroll

Resolved in Pega Version 8.2.5

When using various tables in the client application that have the Pagination mode set to 'Progressive' and that contain hyperlinked elements on which an 'Open Work by Handle' action has been defined, clicking an element that was loaded progressively intermittently generated an alert with the message 'Empty work item handle'. Investigation showed that dragging the scroll bar to access the latest cases worked, but using the mouse to scroll and select replicated the issue immediately. This was caused by context not being properly switched to the current harness while scrolling due to missing context switch handlers. To resolve this, code changes have been made to set the correct context before sending the request.

SR-D79178 · Issue 543310

SameSite cookie setting added for Mashup support in Google Chrome v80+

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

The Google Chrome browser version 80 and above now treats SameSite with a blank value as "Lax" by default, causing mashup scenarios to break. In order to compensate for this change, support has been added for setting SameSite=None in Cookie Settings; this value automatically includes the “secure” cookie flag, which enforces HTTPS for the Pega server and mashup. For mashups to work, SameSite should be set as None. Create a Dynamic system setting in the Pega-Engine RuleSet with the name “security/csrf/samesitecookieattributevalue” and the value "None" and restart the server. (The SameSite value "None" works only in secure HTTPS connections.)Note: The SameSite cookie may be set to None/Lax/Strict, based on the requirement. For cookie requirements other than mashup, it should be set as either Strict or Lax, depending upon your application.

SR-D92352 · Issue 553615

Completed onChange will reset FileInput value to null

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

When attaching a file using the "Select File" button, it was not possible to attach the same file after deleting it. Re-attaching the file worked as expected when using Drag and Drop. Investigation showed that the onchange event occurred only when the value of an element was changed, so in this case trying to attach the same file did not change the value of the element and did not fire the onchange. To resolve this, the value of FileInput in pzMultiFilePath Control will be set to null at the end of the onChange event so that an onChange event will be triggered next time even if the same file is added.

SR-D73536 · Issue 538401

FetchApplicationLogo modified to Filter by rule resolution

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

It was observed that the Report Definition rule "pzFetchApplicationLogo", referenced by Activity rule "pzLoadApplicationLogo", always returned the older version of the Binary File "webwb • pyapp-logo • svg" because it had been set to retrieve a maximum of one record and in this case the results were sorted in an order where the oldest record was at the top. As the Report Definition did not indicate any sorting, most DBMS were returning the results in no particular or predictable order. To resolve this, "Filter by rule resolution" has now been enabled for Report Definition pzFetchApplicationLogo.

SR-D84480 · Issue 546187

FilterHistory decision tree used for audit log status

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

Attempting to use the “FilterHistory” decision tree in the work class to return value “false” for “pyCloseOpenAssignmentsOnResolution” to hide the “pyCloseOpenAssignmentsOnResolution” field value (“Unfinished assignments were cleaned up by the system after the completion.. ”) from history was not working as expected, and still returned the audit message. This was due to the system setting this AuditNote parameter within the “pzProcessResolutionStage” activity, where Param.UpdateHistory was set to true always. In order to support more flexibility, the Param.updateHistory paramter in step3 of the pzProcessResolutionStage activity will be set based on the FilterHistory decision tree. When set to false in FilterHistory decision tree, pyCloseOpenAssignmentsOnResolution will be set as false and audit will not be logged.

SR-D90528 · Issue 550665

Localization added to File upload alerts

Resolved in Pega Version 8.3.3

When uploading files as part of adding attachments, error and warning messages were displayed as alerts in English despite using localization. This was traced to the pzMultiDragDropControlStandard control rule having the HTML alert messages hard coded instead of using field values which could be localized. To resolve this, field values have been created for the messages related to DragDropMaxSize, FileNotExistMessage, FileUploadSupportMessage, and UnableToLoadFileMessage.

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