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Pega Platform Resolved Issues for 8.1 and newer are now available on the Support Center.

SR-B339 · Issue 270442

Enhancement added to place icons on tabs with client-side errors

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When client-side errors occurred on inactive tabs in a tabbed screenflow, there was no indication (for example an alert icon) of which tab had an error, only the pop-up error message "Please correct flagged fields before submitting the form!". An enhancement has been added to place an error icon on the tabs where the client-side errors have occurred.

SR-A88617 · Issue 259450

Scroll bars made consistent for RTE content

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When content is entered beyond the boundaries of the Rich Text Editor (RTE) control, scroll bars appear to view the content. When attempting to print the case while in the Review/ Confirm harness with the same field, the complete content of the case was not shown on the print screen (scroll bars were still present). When the item was printed, the RTE contents did not print at all. The scroll bars are added by the browser to handle word wrap, but they are not used for RTE elements which have 'contenteditable' set to false. To resolve this, word wrap has been added for RTE in review and print options so browsers will behave consistently for elements which have the 'contenteditable' attribute as false.

SR-A98791 · Issue 270358

Corrected click events changing to change events after upgrade

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When importing an older section after upgrade, click events were being modified to Change events. This has been corrected by changing pxClientEventDT to set the event based on the value of pyClientEvent.

SR-A92755 · Issue 261497

Fixed links display with privilege option in repeating grids

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When making use of the privilege option in the link control configuration as a condition to enable/disable the links in the repeat grid, the links were disabled/hidden even when the operator had the correct privilege. Analysis showed this happened in cases where the primary page was different from the page context on which the current part of the section was rendering (for example, when a grid or repeating dynamic layout is present), and it has been fixed by passing the current step page to the pega_rules_default.ValidatePrivileges function instead of passing the primary page.

SR-A76837 · Issue 257171

Resolved blank property screen lock when WAI enabled

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When PegaWAI was enabled and a property-set-message method, run by clicking a button, set an error message to a blank property on the user portal (not in a flow), the screen became disabled. After entering a value in the field, the screen was still disabled and the error was not cleared and appeared in a fixed position on the page. This has been fixed by adding a null check to the displayError method in the harness_accessibility.js to handle conditions when there are no forms present.

SR-A99423 · Issue 265463

Report Definition parameter passing improved for grids

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When run report was configured on a grid, the Data-Click attribute for a Report definition action with the parameter of type Pagename.Prop inside the grid did not generate properly. The parameter passing has been improved to address this issue.

SR-A99155 · Issue 265977

Mobile dirty page handling corrected

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When the "X" (Close) icon was clicked in the Mobile Create Opportunity/Lead/Contact form and then the cancel button in the prompt popup was clicked, the same page returned and the app went into infinite loading mode. This was caused by a missed use case; when the document is found to be dirty and user decides to stay on the page, the code just returned. This has been fixed.

SR-A77177 · Issue 258649

Attachment gadget updated for Firefox

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When the Attachment gadget pops up using Firefox, it was not being correctly read with JAWS. This was an issue with the enter key press triggering a click event which did not have the expected code for Firefox. Changes have been made so the browser will consider the event object correctly.

SR-A95614 · Issue 263958

Modified logic for displaying default accordion tab with visibility when

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When the default tab selected in an Accordion was hidden by a visibility condition, the whole default tab calculation was incorrect and did not display properly. This has been fixed by modifying the defaultTab calculation logic when visible when conditions are present.

SR-A95614 · Issue 263995

Modified logic for displaying default accordion tab with visibility when

Resolved in Pega Version 7.2.2

When the default tab selected in an Accordion was hidden by a visibility condition, the whole default tab calculation was incorrect and did not display properly. This has been fixed by modifying the defaultTab calculation logic when visible when conditions are present.

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